From a sustainability viewpoint, CGC is unique as its mandate and nature of business are in line with the SDGs. We play a developmental role in supporting Malaysia’s economic development agenda by assisting marginal but potentially viable MSMEs. This applies particularly to enterprises without collateral or with inadequate collateral and track records to obtain financing from the formal financial system. We are confident that CGC will continue to create a positive impact on our journey to create value for the underserved and unserved. This is not only via economic benefits, but also environment and social impact welfare
The integration of sustainability will help future-proof CGC’s business, ensuring that it remains resilient in the face of shifting economic, environmental and social conditions. By integrating sustainability and conducting business in a responsible manner, CGC will be able to better manage future issues and events. We laid the foundations to embed sustainability in our business by implementing initiatives to address our material matters. Our material matters set out the issues that we and our stakeholders see as the most important.
The CGC Sustainability Framework is guided by four pillars: Economic, Environmental, Social and Governance (EESG). These pillars address specific challenges in each area, reflecting our commitment to fostering a sustainable and environmentally friendly future in our communities while guiding our responsible business practices.
The four pillars guide CGC’s journey toward sustainability and support MSMEs in their own sustainability efforts. Within each pillar, Focus Areas identify priority aspects, clarifying the company’s ambitions. These areas outline actionable steps that facilitate CGC’s focused pursuit of its Sustainability Strategy and the realisation of its environmental and social responsibilities.
To help MSMEs reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable growth, we advocate for solutions that are environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and easy to adopt. CGC’s achievements in supporting MSMEs to embrace sustainable and low-carbon practices in their operations include: