Petaling Jaya, July 18, 2014: Beaming with excitement, 50 delightful children dressed in royal purple were the special guests at the Iftar (breaking of fast) organised by Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad, recently.

The children aged between three and 12 were from Rumah Penyayang Hembusan Kasturi (RPHK), located in Klang.

The children arrived filled with chatter, and were greeted warmly by staff of CGC. They later joined the congregation in the tazkirah led by Ustaz Mohamad Rozie Mohd Rejab.

After the breaking of fast, they performed maghrib prayers and joined the host for a sumptious dinner, which comprised a delicious array of local cuisine.

Joining in the breaking of fast and dinner with these children were CGC’s Chairman Dato’ Agil Natt and his wife Datin Sharifah Fatmah, Chief Executive Officer and President Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad and his wife Datin Rose Edzlin, the Board of Directors, their respective spouses, CGC management and with about 200 of their staff and their family members.

Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad said it was a yearly tradition of CGC to spread the Ramadan spirit of sharing and giving for the less-privileged members of the society.

“The annual ‘Majlis Berbuka Puasa’ embodies an occasion to spend meaningful moments with the underprivileged. It promotes a sense of consciousness in our obligation to help the less fortunate. We hope that our contribution will help to ease their burden,” he said after handing out duit raya to the enthusiastic children, together with Dato’ Agil Natt.

The ‘Majlis Berbuka Puasa’ is a yearly event held to demonstrate care and support for underprivileged children, promote togetherness and inculcate the corporate social responsibility spirit of CGC.

In addition to hosting the splendid dinner and supper, CGC made a total cash contribution of RM8, 000 to the Rumah Penyayang Hembusan Kasturi (RPHK) and their 50 underprivileged children, courtesy of CGC and its employees. The cheque was presented by Dato’ Agil Natt to the Home’s co-founder Haji Zubir Haji Omar, witnessed by Datuk Wan Azhar.

Datuk Wan Azhar said the contribution symbolised CGC’s endeavour to support deserving charities in need of aid.

“We hope to make their forthcoming Hari Raya more meaningful,” added Datuk Wan Azhar.

About CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) was established on July 5, 1972. Current shareholders are Bank Negara Malaysia (major shareholder) and commercial banks. The core business focus of CGC is to assist SMEs, especially those without or with inadequate collateral and track record to obtain credit facilities from financial institutions by providing guarantee cover on such facilities. CGC has cumulatively guaranteed more than 420,000 loans valued at close to RM52 billion since its establishment.

Today, CGC is well on track to achieve its financial sustainability agenda as envisaged under its business transformation plan. CGC has registered an increase in its net profits ranging from RM15.6 million in 2010 to RM160.8 million in 2012.

CGC, known as the ‘credit firm for the small man’ in its early years, focused on helping small enterprises in the agricultural, commercial and industrial sectors. As the Malaysian economy expanded over the years, the demand for CGC’s guarantee services also grew in tandem. The range of products and services were also expanded to cater to larger credit facilities required by medium-sized SMEs. CGC’s support for SMEs is not only confined to the provision of loan guarantees and financing facilities, but also credit information and credit rating services through its subsidiary Credit Bureau Malaysia. Through the Bureau, CGC assists SMEs to build a credit history and track record to enhance their credibility and bankability to secure financing on their own merit and at reasonable cost.

Other funds currently managed by CGC include the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) and the Bumiputera Entrepreneur Project Fund (TPUB-i) with a total allocation of RM3.5 billion and RM300 million respectively. CGC had managed a total of 42 guarantee schemes including 16 government-funded schemes. To date, 15 Islamic banks, 17 commercial banks and seven (7) development financial institutions (DFIs) are participating in CGC’s guarantee schemes, providing customers with a wide network of more than 2000 branches nationwide to avail financing.

For media enquiries, please contact:

V. Kumaran
Assistant Vice President/Head
Corporate Communications
Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad
Tel: 03-7806-2300 ext 232; HP: 016-638-1747
Email: [email protected]