BizJamin Bumi-i Scheme

BizJamin Bumi-i Scheme

Eligibility Criteria A company registered in Malaysia, is Malaysian-controlled and Malaysian-owned with at least 51% shareholding owned by Bumiputera. Meet the SME Corporation Malaysia’s definition of an SME (for details, please click here). All viable business involved in ‘halal’ activities….

BizJamin Bumi Scheme

BizJamin Bumi Scheme

Eligibility Criteria A company registered in Malaysia, is Malaysian-controlled and Malaysian-owned with at least 51% shareholding owned by Bumiputera. Meet the SME Corporation Malaysia’s definition of an SME (for details, please click here). Maximum Loan Limit Loan of up to…

Franchise Financing Scheme (FFS)

Franchise Financing Scheme (FFS)

Eligibility Criteria All Malaysian owned and controlled companies with net assets or shareholders’ funds not exceeding RM1.5 million; Meet the SME Corporation Malaysia’s definition of an SME (for details, please click here); The existing total credit facilities of the borrower…

Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera-i (TPUB-i)

Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera-i (TPUB-i)

Eligibility Criteria Applicant must be a Bumiputera enterprise fully owned (100%) by Bumiputera; Applicant must have a project / contract from government, government bodies and agencies, statutory bodies, government owned companies and private companies with Net Shareholders’ Fund more than…

Flexi Guarantee Scheme (FGS)

Flexi Guarantee Scheme (FGS)

Objective Flexi Guarantee Scheme (FGS) provides guarantee for financing granted under BNM’s Funds for SME-All Economic Sectors Facility. The funds are designed to facilitate greater access to financing for viable Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Main Characteristic Among the main characteristics of…

BizJamin-i Scheme

BizJamin-i Scheme

Eligibility Criteria A company registered in Malaysia, is Malaysian-controlled and Malaysian-owned with at least 51% shareholding. Meet the SME Corporation Malaysia’s definition of an SME (for details, please click here). All viable business involved in ‘halal’ activities. Maximum Financing Limit…

BizMaju Scheme

BizMaju Scheme

Eligibility Criteria Meet the SME Corporation Malaysia’s definition of an SME (for details, please click here); Business is registered with Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM); authorities/ district offices in Sabah and Sarawak; or statutory bodies for professional service providers; Must…

BizJamin Scheme

BizJamin Scheme

Eligibility Criteria A company registered in Malaysia, is Malaysian-controlled and Malaysian-owned with at least 51% shareholding. Meet the SME Corporation Malaysia’s definition of an SME (for details, please click here). Maximum Loan Limit Loan of up to RM15.0 million Credit…