Realising His Dreams

“CGC is doing a great job. The monthly financing costs are very appealing. I also get credit advice. And I hope those that I recommended CGC to will reap the same benefits.”

Raffles Global Education Services | Education

Johor Bahru, Johor

Shurinder Rahoo

At university, many of Shurinder Rahoo’s friends were international students. They revealed that they had paid large sums of money to agents in their countries to study in Malaysia. “That was when I saw the business opportunity. To me, students should only pay for their education abroad - not for the opportunity to do so.”

After graduating, Shurinder learned the recruitment business from his uncle, who was then running Raffles College in Singapore. Then he contacted his African friends who had returned to their home countries and persuaded them to partner him in business. Today, he has branch offices in Tanzania, Gambia and Nigeria. He was due to open the Nairobi branch just when the pandemic struck, so that office is currently run virtually.

Shurinder’s education consultancy business basically takes care of student needs from A to Z. This ranges from helping to select a suitable university for their preferred course to being met at the airport upon arrival.

Six years ago, Shurinder started his business with a home-office set-up. Nowadays, his head office is in Menara TJB, Johor Bahru. In March 2020 Raffles Global Education Services held their first Education Fair in Tanzania, with universities such as Taylor’s and Nottingham participating. He also notes that, previously, parents used to decide on their children’s pathways, “but now it’s almost 100% decided by the students, who are very progressive and eager to learn what they want to learn.”

Personally and business-wise, reveals Shurinder, he has benefitted greatly from his CGC association. His first financing, BizMula-i, came in 2018. It allowed him to expand his online marketing efforts, travel to markets and conduct school seminars in related countries. The BizMaju in 2019, on the other hand, helped him roll out his first education fair. “CGC is doing a great job,” he affirms. “The monthly financing costs are very appealing. I also get credit advice. And I hope those that I recommended CGC to will reap the same benefits.”
