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Dari kiri: Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif CGC, Datuk Azhar Wan Ahmad dan Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan SME Bank, Datuk Mohd Radzif Mohd Yunus selepas acara memeterai kolaborasi perjanjian PG baru-baru ini.

Kuala Lumpur, 15 September – SME Bank hari ini menandatangani Perjanjian Jaminan Portfolio (PG) dengan Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) untuk menawarkan kemudahan pembiayaan bernilai RM30 juta kepada perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) yang berdaya maju.

Kemudahan jaminan ini merupakan kali pertama dilaksanakan oleh CGC dengan sebuah institusi kewangan pembangunan di negara ini yang direka khas untuk memudahkan usahawan PKS kerana ia menawarkan kos pembiayaan yang rendah dan jangkamasa pusingan balik yang lebih cepat dari segi kelulusan dan pengeluaran pembiayaan.

Portfolio bernilai RM30 juta ini dijangka akan memberi manfaat kepada hampir 200 usahawan PKS dalam tempoh setahun melalui kemudahan pembiayaan bernilai antara RM100,000.00 hingga RM500,000.00. Tujuan pembiayaan ini adalah untuk menyediakan kemudahan modal kerja yang diperlukan untuk menguruskan aliran kewangan serta memajukan lagi perniagaan sedia ada pada kadar tetap di antara 5% – 7% setahun.

Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif CGC, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad berkata PG yang telah dilancarkan pada tahun 2009 dan telah mendapat pengiktirafan ini telah terbukti berjaya membantu memenuhi keperluan pembiayaan serta meningkatkan jumlah jangkauan PKS.

“Di bawah kelulusan PG untuk pembiayaan, kriteria kelayakan telah dipersetujui terlebih dahulu.  Ini menjadikannya lebih mudah untuk menguruskan kualiti aset portfolio tersebut. Berdasarkan persetujuan awal ini, ia membolehkan peminjam mendapat kos pembiayaan yang lebih rendah kerana PG mempunyai kos transaksi yang lebih rendah. “

“Dengan adanya kemudahan PG ini, proses kelulusan dan pembiayaan untuk usahawan PKS akan menjadi lebih pantas. PG yang ditawarkan oleh CGC mempunyai sistem yang menyediakan kelulusan dalam masa tiga (3) hari bekerja bagi mempercepatkan proses kelulusan dan pengeluaran yang dilaksanakan oleh bank. Pihak CGC sedang berusaha untuk memendekkan lagi tempoh pemprosesan kepada satu (1) hari bekerja.” katanya lagi, buat masa sekarang, kadar kelulusan pembiayaan di bawah PG adalah hampir 100%.

Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan SME Bank, Datuk Mohd Radzif Mohd Yunus berkata kerjasama ini akan memudahkan usahawan PKS untuk mendapat akses kepada kredit dengan membantu mereka mengukuhkan keupayaan kredit dan rekod prestasi perniagaan yang baik serta membantu pelanggan baharu untuk memperoleh bantuan kewangan  yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan lagi perniagaan mereka.

“Kolaborasi bersama CGC juga akan membantu SME Bank meningkatkan pengurusan risiko kreditnya melalui perkongsian risiko dan memberi pandangan menyeluruh terhadap kesediaan bakal pelanggan dalam membayar balik pinjaman” katanya.

Perjanjian PG ini memperkukuhkan lagi komitmen dan kerjasama kedua-dua pihak dalam menyokong ke arah pembangunan PKS di negara ini bukan sahaja dari segi meningkatkan akses pembiayaan tetapi juga dari segi kos pembiayaan.

Sehingga kini, CGC telah meluluskan pembiayaan bernilai hampir RM1.5 bilion kepada lebih 4,000 usahawan PKS.  CGC mensasarkan untuk mendapatkan jaminan yang baru sekurang-kurangnya bernilai RM700 juta di bawah perjanjian PG pada tahun 2014.

SME Bank merupakan institusi kewangan kelapan memeterai perjanjian PG selepas Maybank, Standard Chartered Bank, OCBC, RHB, Public Bank Berhad, Alliance Bank dan SC Saadiq.

Mengenai CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) telah ditubuhkan pada 5 Julai 1972. Pemegang saham semasa adalah Bank Negara Malaysia (pemegang saham utama) dan bank-bank komersial. Fokus perniagaan teras CGC adalah untuk membantu PKS, terutamanya mereka yang tanpa atau kekurangaan cagaran dan tidak mempunyai rekod prestasi untuk mendapatkan kemudahan kredit daripada institusi kewangan dengan memberikan perlindungan jaminan ke atas pembiayaan tersebut. Sejak penubuhannya, CGC telah secara kumulatif menjamin lebih daripada 420,000 pinjaman bernilai hampir RM52.9 bilion.

Kini, rancangan CGC untuk mencapai agenda pengukuhan kewangannya berjalan dengan lancar seperti yang termaktub dalam pelan transformasi bisnesnya. Sejak empat tahun kebelakangan ini, CGC telah mencatatkan kenaikan dalam keuntungan bersihnya dari RM15.6 juta pada 2010 kepada RM121.1 juta pada tahun 2013.

CGC, atau lebih dikenali sebagai ‘firma kredit bagi usahawan kecil’ pada awal penubuhannya lebih menumpukan usaha dalam membantu usahawan kecil dalam bidang pertanian, komersil dan sektor industri. Seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi Malaysia, pemintaan bagi servis jaminan CGC juga turut berkembang. Produk dan servisnya juga telah diperluaskan bagi memenuhi keperluan kemudahan kredit yang lebih besar daripada PKS berskala sederhana.

Sokongan CGC kepada PKS tidak hanya bertumpu kepada jaminan pinjaman dan kemudahan pembiayaan, tetapi juga perkhidmatan informasi kredit dan penarafan kredit melalui anak syarikatnya Biro Kredit Malaysia. Melalui Biro, CGC membantu PKS bagi mewujudkan sejarah dan rekod prestasi kredit bagi meningkatkan kredibiliti dan ‘bankabiliti’ mereka untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan secara merit dan pada kos yang berpatutan.

Pembiayaan lain yang diuruskan oleh CGC termasuk Skim Pembiayaan Teknologi Hijau (SPTH) dan Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera (TPUB-i) dengan peruntukan masing-masing berjumlah RM3.5 bilion dan RM300 juta. Setakat ini, CGC telah menguruskan sebanyak 43 skim jaminan termasuk 16 skim pembiayaan kerajaan.

Kini, 15 bank Islam, 17 bank komersil dan tujuh (7) institusi pembangunan kewangan telah turut serta dalam skim jaminan kredit CGC yang membolehkan pelanggan mendapat akses kepada pembiayaan melalui lebih daripada 2,000 cawangan mereka diseluruh negara.

PKS yang ingin mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai CGC boleh menghubungi Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan kami di 03-7880-0088 atau layari laman sesawang di www.cgc.com.my.

Mengenai SME Bank

SME Bank memulakan operasinya pada 3 Oktober 2005 sebagai sebuah institusi kewangan pembangunan (DFI). Ianya diberi mandat khusus oleh Kerajaan untuk membimbing dan membangunkan usahawan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS). Sebagai sebuah bank yang diwujudkan untuk memenuhi keperluan pembiayaan dan pertumbuhan perniagaan PKS Malaysia, SME Bank menjadi pelengkap kepada pelbagai produk dan perkhidmatan sedia ada yang ditawarkan oleh bank-bank perdagangan. Peranan utamanya adalah untuk menyumbang secara aktif terhadap pertumbuhan komuniti usahawan yang lebih cergas di Malaysia. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari:  www.smebank.com.my.

Nota untuk Pengarang:

Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad adalah nama berdaftar bagi SME Bank. Bank ini hendaklah dirujuk sebagai SME Bank, tidak mengira bahasa perantara yang digunakan.

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CGC melantik Teoh Kok Lin dan Suresh Menon sebagai Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif

Petaling Jaya, 30 Julai, 2014 – Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) dengan sukacitanya mengumumkan pelantikan Encik Teoh Kok Lin dan Encik Suresh Menon sebagai pengarah bukan eksekutifnya baru-baru ini.

Encik Teoh Kok Lin adalah Pengasas dan Ketua Pegawai Pelaburan Singular Asset Management Sdn Bhd, sebuah syarikat pengurusan dana yang dilesenkan oleh Suruhanjaya Sekuriti. Beliau mempunyai lebih daripada 25 tahun pengalaman di dalam bidang perbankan, kredit dan pelaburan dengan institusi kewangan. Beliau memulakan kerjayanya dengan Citibank Malaysia pada tahun 1987 sebelum menyertai Malaysia Barings, Penyelidikan HSBC Malaysia dan UOB Kay Hian Singapura.

Beliau merupakan perintis Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) di Malaysia dan merupakan bekas Presiden Persatuan CFA Malaysia. Teoh juga merupakan Pengasas dan Ketua Pegawai Pelaburan Singular Asset Management (Singapore) Ltd, yang ditubuhkan pada 2010 dan merupakan pengurus dana yang berdaftar dengan Pihak Berkuasa Kewangan Singapura.

Sejak tahun 2002, beliau telah menguruskan dana untuk institusi dengan portfolio pelanggan bernilai tinggi. Beliau juga telah mengembara di seluruh Asia dan Asia Utara untuk penyelidikan dan kerja lawatan. Sebagai ahli majlis Dewan Perniagaan Cina dan Industri Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor, beliau kini memegang jawatan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Fiskal & Penyelidikan Ekonominya.

Mr.Teoh mempunyai dua Ijazah Sarjana Muda kelas pertama dalam jurusan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Kewangan (Kepujian). Beliau juga telah memperolehi kelayakan Ijazah Sarjana Sains dalam Pentadbiran Industri (MBA setara) dari Universiti Purdue, Amerika Syarikat.

Encik Suresh Menon mempunyai hampir 35 tahun pengalaman dalam pelbagai sektor yang dinamik seperti pembuatan dan pasaran kewangan antarabangsa. Kepakaran beliau merangkumi analisa kredit dan metodologi penarafan, panduan industri dan amalan terbaik proses penarafan, penulisan laporan kredit, perancangan strategik dan pembangunan, analisa korporat dan kewangan, pembangunan kakitangan dan kemahiran, pengurusan pengeluaran dan operasi, dan pengurusan projek dan pentauliahan.

Suresh telah memainkan peranan penting dalam penubuhan RAM Holdings Berhad (dahulu dikenali sebagai Rating Agency Malaysia Berhad). Selama 18 tahun, beliau telah memainkan peranan penting di RAM dalam penyediaan pelbagai perkhidmatan dan dalam memastikan agensi berkenaan mencapai kemuncaknya. Beliau adalah ahli Lembaga Pengarah di RAM dan juga ahli Jawatankuasa Penilaiannya. Jawatan terakhir beliau dengan RAM adalah sebagai Pengarah Eksekutif.

Beliau juga telah mengambil bahagian dalam projek-projek pembangunan dengan badan-badan antarabangsa iaitu Bank Pembangunan Asia (ADB), Majlis Penasihat Perniagaan APEC dan Persatuan Agensi Penarafan Kredit di Asia (ACRAA). Beliau merupakan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Latihan ACRAA. Beliau juga pernah menjadi ahli Jawatankuasa Utama Indeks Tadbir Urus Korporat Malaysia 2009, 2010 dan 2011 bagi Pemerhati Pemegang Saham Minoriti (MSWG).

Sejak 2010, Suresh merupakan seorang Perunding Pasaran Modal Bebas dan menawarkan khidmat perundingan dan latihan kepada agensi-agensi kewangan dan pihak berkuasa di pelbagai negara. Beliau kini adalah ahli Lembaga Pengarah Pacific Trustees Berhad.

Suresh memperolehi kelulusan Sarjana Muda Teknologi dalam jurusan Kejuruteraan Kimia daripada University of Madras pada tahun 1979. Beliau mempunyai Ijazah Sarjana dalam Pengurusan Perniagaan daripada Institut Pengurusan Asia di Filipina pada tahun 1985.

Lembaga Pengarah CGC semasa terdiri daripada sembilan (9) ahli dan pengerusinya adalah Dato ‘Agil Natt.


Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) telah ditubuhkan pada 5 Julai 1972. Pemegang saham semasa adalah Bank Negara Malaysia (pemegang saham utama) dan bank-bank komersial. Fokus perniagaan teras CGC adalah untuk membantu PKS, terutamanya mereka yang tanpa atau kekurangaan cagaran dan tidak mempunyai rekod prestasi untuk mendapatkan kemudahan kredit daripada institusi kewangan dengan memberikan perlindungan jaminan ke atas pembiayaan tersebut. Sejak penubuhannya, CGC telah secara kumulatif menjamin lebih daripada 420,000 pinjaman bernilai hampir RM53.9 bilion.

Kini, rancangan CGC untuk mencapai agenda pengukuhan kewangannya berjalan dengan lancar seperti yang termaktub dalam pelan transformasi bisnesnya. Sejak empat (4) tahun kebelakangan ini, CGC telah mencatatkan kenaikan dalam keuntungan bersihnya dari RM15.6 juta pada 2010 kepada RM121.1 juta pada tahun 2013.

CGC, atau lebih dikenali sebagai ‘firma kredit bagi usahawan kecil’ pada awal penubuhannya lebih menumpukan usaha dalam membantu usahawan kecil dalam bidang pertanian, komersil dan sektor industri. Seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi Malaysia, pemintaan bagi servis jaminan CGC juga turut berkembang. Produk dan servisnya juga telah diperluaskan bagi memenuhi keperluan kemudahan kredit yang lebih besar daripada PKS berskala sederhana.

Sokongan CGC kepada PKS tidak hanya bertumpu kepada jaminan pinjaman dan kemudahan pembiayaan, tetapi juga perkhidmatan informasi kredit dan penarafan kredit melalui anak syarikatnya Biro Kredit Malaysia. Melalui Biro, CGC membantu PKS bagi mewujudkan sejarah dan rekod prestasi kredit bagi meningkatkan kredibiliti dan ‘bankabiliti’ mereka untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan secara merit dan pada kos yang berpatutan.

Pembiayaan lain yang diuruskan oleh CGC termasuk Skim Pembiayaan Teknologi Hijau (SPTH) dan Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera (TPUB-i) dengan peruntukan masing-masing berjumlah RM3.5 bilion dan RM300 juta. Setakat ini, CGC telah menguruskan sebanyak 42 skim jaminan termasuk 16 skim pembiayaan kerajaan.

Kini, 15 bank Islam, 17 bank komersil dan tujuh (7) institusi pembangunan kewangan telah turut serta dalam skim jaminan kredit CGC yang membolehkan pelanggan mendapat akses kepada pembiayaan melalui lebih daripada 2,000 cawangan mereka diseluruh negara.

PKS yang ingin mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai CGC boleh menghubungi Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan kami di 03-7880-0088 atau layari laman sesawang di www.cgc.com.my.

Untuk pertanyaan media, sila hubungi:

V. Kumaran
Timbalan Naib Presiden
Komunikasi Korporat
Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232
HP: 016-638 1747
Email: [email protected]

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CGC Menyambut Ramadan bersama 50 Kanak-kanak Kurang Bernasib Baik dari Rumah Penyayang Hembusan Kasturi, Klang

Petaling Jaya, 18 Julai, 2014: 50 kanak-kanak yang berpakaian berwarna ungu hadir dengan penuh kegembiraan apabila menjadi tetamu khas di majlis Iftar (berbuka puasa) yang dianjurkan oleh Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad, baru-baru ini.

Kanak-kanak yang berusia antara tiga dan 12 tahun itu adalah dari Rumah Penyayang Hembusan Kasturi (RPHK) yang terletak di Klang.

Mereka tiba penuh keriangan dan disambut mesra oleh kakitangan CGC. Kemudian mereka mendengar tazkirah yang disampaikan oleh Ustaz Mohamad Rozie Mohd Rejab.

Selepas berbuka puasa, mereka mengerjakan solat maghrib secara berjemaah dan seterusnya menikmati makan malam yang cukup mewah dan terdiri daripada pelbagai masakan tempatan yang lazat.

Antara yang turut serta bersama kanak-kanak tersebut dalam majlis berbuka puasa dan majlis makan malam tersebut ialah Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah CGC, Dato ‘Agil Natt dan isterinya Datin Sharifah Fatmah, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif dan Presiden, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad dan isterinya Datin Rose Edzlin, Ahli Lembaga Pengarah bersama-sama pasangan masing-masing, pihak pengurusan CGC serta kira-kira 200 kakitangan dan ahli keluarga mereka.

Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad berkata ia merupakan tradisi tahunan CGC untuk menyemarakkan semangat Ramadan iaitu berkongsi dan memberi kepada mereka yang kurang bernasib baik dalam masyarakat.

“Majlis Berbuka Puasa tahunan ini adalah amat bermakna bagi kami untuk bersama-sama dengan mereka yang kurang bernasib baik. Ia memberikan kesedaran kepada kita untuk membantu mereka yang kurang bernasib baik. Kami berharap, sumbangan kami ini akan membantu meringankan beban mereka, ” katanya selepas menyampaikan duit raya kepada anak-anak RPHK bersama-sama dengan Dato ‘Agil Natt.

Majlis Berbuka Puasa ini adalah acara tahunan yang diadakan untuk menunjukkan keprihatinan dan sokongan bagi kanak-kanak yang kurang bernasib baik, serta menggalakkan perpaduan dan memupuk semangat tanggungjawab sosial korporat CGC.

Selain menjadi tuan rumah bagi majlis makan malam, CGC juga memberikan sumbangan tunai sebanyak RM8,000 kepada Rumah Penyayang Hembusan Kasturi (RPHK) dan 50 orang kanak-kanak yang kurang bernasib baik. Sumbangan ikhlas tersebut adalah daripada CGC dan kakitangannya. Cek tersebut telah disampaikan oleh Dato’ Agil Natt kepada pengasas bersama RPHK, Haji Zubir Haji Omar yang disaksikan oleh Datuk Wan Azhar.

Datuk Wan Azhar berkata sumbangan tersebut melambangkan usaha CGC untuk menyokong badan amal yang layak dan memerlukan bantuan.

“Kami berharap agar dapat menjadikan Hari Raya yang akan datang adalah lebih bermakna bagi mereka,” tambah Datuk Wan Azhar.


Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) telah ditubuhkan pada 5 Julai 1972. Pemegang saham semasa adalah Bank Negara Malaysia (pemegang saham utama) dan bank-bank komersial. Fokus perniagaan teras CGC adalah untuk membantu PKS, terutamanya mereka yang tanpa atau kekurangaan cagaran dan tidak mempunyai rekod prestasi untuk mendapatkan kemudahan kredit daripada institusi kewangan dengan memberikan perlindungan jaminan ke atas pembiayaan tersebut. Sejak penubuhannya, CGC telah secara kumulatif menjamin lebih daripada 420,000 pinjaman bernilai hampir RM53.9 bilion.

Kini, rancangan CGC untuk mencapai agenda pengukuhan kewangannya berjalan dengan lancar seperti yang termaktub dalam pelan transformasi bisnesnya. Sejak tiga (3) tahun kebelakangan ini, CGC telah mencatatkan kenaikan dalam keuntungan bersihnya dari RM15.6 juta pada 2010 kepada RM121.1 juta pada tahun 2013.

CGC, atau lebih dikenali sebagai ‘firma kredit bagi usahawan kecil’ pada awal penubuhannya lebih menumpukan usaha dalam membantu usahawan kecil dalam bidang pertanian, komersil dan sektor industri. Seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi Malaysia, pemintaan bagi servis jaminan CGC juga turut berkembang. Produk dan servisnya juga telah diperluaskan bagi memenuhi keperluan kemudahan kredit yang lebih besar daripada PKS berskala sederhana.

Sokongan CGC kepada PKS tidak hanya bertumpu kepada jaminan pinjaman dan kemudahan pembiayaan, tetapi juga perkhidmatan informasi kredit dan penarafan kredit melalui anak syarikatnya Biro Kredit Malaysia. Melalui Biro, CGC membantu PKS bagi mewujudkan sejarah dan rekod prestasi kredit bagi meningkatkan kredibiliti dan ‘bankabiliti’ mereka untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan secara merit dan pada kos yang berpatutan.

Pembiayaan lain yang diuruskan oleh CGC termasuk Skim Pembiayaan Teknologi Hijau (SPTH) dan Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera (TPUB-i) dengan peruntukan masing-masing berjumlah RM3.5 bilion dan RM300 juta. Setakat ini, CGC telah menguruskan sebanyak 42 skim jaminan termasuk 16 skim pembiayaan kerajaan.

Kini, 15 bank Islam, 17 bank komersil dan tujuh (7) institusi pembangunan kewangan telah turut serta dalam skim jaminan kredit CGC yang membolehkan pelanggan mendapat akses kepada pembiayaan melalui lebih daripada 2,000 cawangan mereka diseluruh negara.

PKS yang ingin mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai CGC boleh menghubungi Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan kami di 03-7880-0088 atau layari laman sesawang di www.cgc.com.my.

Untuk pertanyaan media:

V. Kumaran
Assistant Vice President (AVP), Corporate Communications
Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232
HP: 016-638 1747
Email: [email protected]

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Pengiktirafan buat Tiga Institusi Kewangan Untuk Pembiayaan PKS

PETALING JAYA, 25 Jun, 2014: Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad hari ini menganugerahkan tiga institusi kewangan terkemuka atas sumbangan dan perhatian yang diberikan untuk pembiayaan dan pembangunan PKS sepanjang tahun 2013.

Pemenang Anugerah Pendokong Utama PKS CGC yang ke 19 adalah Maybank, Standard Chartered Bank dan Public Bank Berhad.

Sekali lagi, Maybank muncul sebagai pemenang bagi Anugerah Rakan Kewangan Terbaik 2013 dan Anugerah Pendokong Utama PKS Bumiputera 2013. Maybank telah memenangi kedua-dua anugerah untuk sumbangannya kepada pembiayaan PKS pada tahun 2012 juga.

Ketiga-tiga penerima anugerah menyumbang sejumlah 1,076 pinjaman, yang mewakili 45% daripada jumlah pinjaman yang diluluskan oleh CGC pada tahun 2013.

Diperkenalkan pada tahun 1996, pengiktirafan anugerah ini merupakan satu langkah proaktif bagi menggalakkan institusi kewangan untuk meningkatkan penyertaan mereka dalam pembangunan sektor PKS dan juga melengkapkan usaha Kerajaan dalam menggalakkan institusi kewangan untuk memberi pembiayaan kepada PKS.

Anugerah telah disampaikan oleh Pengerusi CGC Dato ‘Agil Natt, disaksikan oleh Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif CGC Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad di ibu pejabat CGC di Petaling Jaya, sejurus selepas Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan CGC yang ke-41.

Datuk Wan Azhar berkata, bagi 2013, jangkauan PKS CGC bertambah baik sebanyak 45% dengan jumlah 2,368 PKS kebanyakannya dalam perniagaan am, pembuatan dan sektor pertanian mendapat manfaat daripada RM1.5 bilion pinjaman yang diluluskan.

Tambahnya pembiayaan mendatangkan faedah kepada PKS sebahagian besarnya melalui skim utama CGC seperti Enhancer dan, Skim Akses Pembiayaan Langsung (DAGS) dan Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera (TPUB-i).

Datuk Wan Azhar berkata dalam agenda kemampanan kewangan, CGC telah sekali lagi mencatatkan keuntungan sebanyak RM121.0 juta dan perkembangan ini memberi petanda baik kepada agenda jangkauan PKS berterusan CGC khususnya peranannya dalam pembangunan segmen PKS yang kurang mendapat perhatian.

“Kos operasi CGC pada tahun 2013 menurun kepada RM160.7 juta daripada RM228.4 juta pada tahun 2012 disebabkan oleh peruntukan yang lebih rendah bagi tuntutan dan ‘impairment’ disebabkan aktiviti pemantauan kredit yang ketat,” kata Datuk Wan Azhar.

Beliau berkata, peruntukan bagi tuntutan ke atas pinjaman yang dijamin oleh CGC menurun kepada RM61.8 juta berbanding RM81.3 juta pada tahun 2012 disebabkan oleh peningkatan dalam kesedaran mengenai kredit dan risiko yang meletakkan penekanan yang lebih kepada mengekalkan kualiti aset yang baik. Peruntukan bagi tuntutan berkurangan sebanyak 24% dan ‘impairment’ , sebanyak 65%.

“Secara keseluruhan, CGC i mempunyai kedudukan kewangan yang sihat dan mampu untuk membayar balik pinjaman RM700 juta yang diberikan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia pada bulan November 2013 seperti yang ditetapkan,” katanya.

Datuk Wan Azhar berkata hala tuju strategik CGC pada tahun 2014 adalah untuk terus memberikan yang terbaik untuk PKS dan institusi kewangan.

“Tahun ini, kami memberi tumpuan kepada tiga aspek yang utama: pertama, untuk menyediakan akses kewangan yang lebih baik kepada segmen yang kurang mendapat perhatian terutamanya PKS yang baru memulakan perniagaan. Ke arah ini, kami telah melancarkan skim pembiayaan langsung yang mematuhi Syariah iaitu BizMula-i pada bulan Mei 2014.

“Selain itu, kami akan meningkatkan usaha kami untuk menyokong agenda pembangunan Bumiputera negara dengan menawarkan perlindungan jaminan yang lebih tinggi dan kos pinjaman yang lebih rendah. Kami telah memperkenalkan skim Jaminan Portfolio Bumiputera dan beberapa buah bank sudah pun mengambil bahagian dalam skim ini. Inisiatif-inisiatif lain akan dilaksanakan tahun ini untuk meluaskan lagi akses kewangan kepada PKS Bumiputera.

“Kami juga akan terus memastikan lebih ramai pelanggan kami mendapat manfaat daripada mekanisme rebat yang telah kami laksanakan awal tahun ini untuk membantu PKS menampung kos menjalankan perniagaan yang semakin meningkat.

“Ini adalah tiga daripada tujuh inisiatif yang akan memberi perhatian pada tahun 2014. Tumpuan lain termasuk melaksanakan peranan pembangunan dengan cara kewangan yang mampan, menguruskan skim yang dibiayai oleh kerajaan, meningkatkan kecekapan operasi dan hubungan dengan rakan kongsi bank kami,” kata Datuk Wan Azhar.

Pada tahun 2014, sasaran CGC menjamin 5,600 pinjaman PKS bernilai RM2.7 bilion. Sejak penubuhannya pada tahun 1972, CGC telah menjamin 422,585 pinjaman PKS bernilai RM52.9 bilion.


Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) telah ditubuhkan pada 5 Julai 1972. Pemegang saham semasa adalah Bank Negara Malaysia (pemegang saham utama) dan bank-bank komersial. Fokus perniagaan teras CGC adalah untuk membantu PKS, terutamanya mereka yang tanpa atau kekurangaan cagaran dan tidak mempunyai rekod prestasi untuk mendapatkan kemudahan kredit daripada institusi kewangan dengan memberikan perlindungan jaminan ke atas pembiayaan tersebut. Sejak penubuhannya, CGC telah secara kumulatif menjamin lebih daripada 420,000 pinjaman bernilai hampir RM52 bilion.

Kini, rancangan CGC untuk mencapai agenda pengukuhan kewangannya berjalan dengan lancar seperti yang termaktub dalam pelan transformasi bisnesnya. Sejak tiga (3) tahun kebelakangan ini, CGC telah mencatatkan kenaikan dalam keuntungan bersihnya dari RM15.6 juta pada 2010 kepada RM160.8 juta pada tahun 2012.

CGC, atau lebih dikenali sebagai ‘firma kredit bagi usahawan kecil’ pada awal penubuhannya lebih menumpukan usaha dalam membantu usahawan kecil dalam bidang pertanian, komersil dan sektor industri. Seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi Malaysia, pemintaan bagi servis jaminan CGC juga turut berkembang. Produk dan servisnya juga telah diperluaskan bagi memenuhi keperluan kemudahan kredit yang lebih besar daripada PKS berskala sederhana.

Sokongan CGC kepada PKS tidak hanya bertumpu kepada jaminan pinjaman dan kemudahan pembiayaan, tetapi juga perkhidmatan informasi kredit dan penarafan kredit melalui anak syarikatnya Biro Kredit Malaysia. Melalui Biro, CGC membantu PKS bagi mewujudkan sejarah dan rekod prestasi kredit bagi meningkatkan kredibiliti dan ‘bankabiliti’ mereka untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan secara merit dan pada kos yang berpatutan.

Pembiayaan lain yang diuruskan oleh CGC termasuk Skim Pembiayaan Teknologi Hijau (SPTH) dan Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera (TPUB-i) dengan peruntukan masing-masing berjumlah RM3.5 bilion dan RM300 juta. Setakat ini, CGC telah menguruskan sebanyak 42 skim jaminan termasuk 16 skim pembiayaan kerajaan.

Kini, 15 bank Islam, 17 bank komersil dan tujuh (7) institusi pembangunan kewangan telah turut serta dalam skim jaminan kredit CGC yang membolehkan pelanggan mendapat akses kepada pembiayaan melalui lebih daripada 2,000 cawangan mereka diseluruh negara.

PKS yang ingin mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai CGC boleh menghubungi Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan kami di 03-7880-0088 atau layari laman sesawang di www.cgc.com.my.

Untuk pertanyaan media:

V. Kumaran
Assistant Vice President (AVP), Corporate Communications
Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232
HP: 016-638 1747
Email: [email protected]

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CGC menghargai amalan budaya kredit yang baik oleh PKS

KUALA LUMPUR, 23 Jun, 2014: Mekanisme rebat yang diperkenalkan Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) sebagai sebahagian daripada inisiatif untuk membantu pelanggan dengan kos pinjaman serta untuk mewujudkan kesedaran tentang kepentingan sejarah kredit di kalangan PKS telah menerima sambutan yang menggalakkan daripada pelanggannya.

Diperkenalkan pada bulan Januari 2014 untuk membantu PKS mengurangkan kos pembiayaan, sebanyak 249 pelanggan CGC telah mendapat manfaat daripada insentif ini dan sebahagiannya mendapat rebat setinggi 38% daripada yuran jaminan yang perlu dibayar.

Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif CGC, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad berkata semua pelanggan yang telah mengekalkan rekod pembayaran balik yang baik telah dihargai oleh CGC dengan pemberian rebat yuran jaminan.

Rebat CGC adalah mekanisme di mana pengurangan peratusan tertentu atas yuran jaminan ditawarkan kepada pelanggan yang mempunyai rekod kredit yang baik. Untuk memenuhi tujuan ini, CGC telah memperuntukkan RM1.7 juta yang dijangka memberi manfaat kepada kira-kira 1,800 pelanggan yang dihargai tahun ini.

“Sangat menggalakkan untuk melihat PKS mengamalkan budaya kredit yang sihat. Dengan cara ini, kami berharap untuk memupuk kesedaran dan amalan kredit yang baik serta membuat pembayaran balik pinjaman dengan kadar segera di kalangan mereka. Bagi PKS, ini menunjukkan bahawa mereka berdisiplin dan sememangnya berkesedaran untuk memperbaiki rekod kredit dan bankabiliti mereka.”

“Kami gembira untuk mengumumkan bahawa setakat ini, kami telah menerima sambutan yang menggalakkan daripada pelanggan serta pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan kepada CGC. Kami akan terus menyediakan insentif ini kepada semua pelanggan kami yang layak untuk menikmati rebat yuran jaminan,” katanya di Majlis Penghargaan dan Makan Tengah Hari bersama Pelanggan yang terpilih CGC di Lanai Kijang, Bank Negara Malaysia.

Datuk Wan Azhar berkata mekanisme rebat itu diberikan di bawah empat skim utamanya iaitu Skim Jaminan Laluan Terus (SJLT)/SJLT-i, Enhancer / Enhancer-i, Enhancer Bumi / Enhancer Bumi-i dan Enhancer Terus / Enhancer Excel.

Ini merupakan langkah proaktif yang telah diambil di bawah agenda perniagaan 2014 CGC disebabkan kenaikkan keseluruhan kos menjalankan perniagaan bagi PKS baru-baru ini .

“Bagi tahun 2014, rancangan perniagaan CGC telah digubal untuk mencapai beberapa objektif yang strategik, iaitu untuk melaksanakan peranan pembangunan dengan kewangan yang mampan serta untuk meningkatkan akses kepada pembiayaan untuk perniagaan yang baru memulakan perniagaan. CGC juga bertanggungjawab untuk terus menguruskan skim yang dibiayai oleh Kerajaan, menyokong agenda pembangunan Bumiputera negara dan menawarkan pembiayaan pada kos yang munasabah. Selain daripada ini, CGC akan meningkatkan kecekapan operasi dan hubungan dengan institusi kewangan,” kata Datuk Wan Azhar.

Beliau berkata dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang stabil dan perkembangan yang menggalakkan dalam sektor PKS, CGC akan merebut peluang ini untuk mengembangkan lagi agenda jangkauan PKSnya dan menjalinkan hubungan yang baik bersama institusi kewangan untuk memastikan kekangan dan kebimbangan sektor PKS telah diatasi dengan sewajarnya.

“CGC perlu terus meningkatkan jangkauan PKS bagi membolehkan PKS yang berdaya maju dalam semua segmen mendapat akses kepada pembiayaan dari institusi kewangan,” katanya sambil menambah langkah itu ialah untuk mengukuhkan kedudukannya sebagai rakan kongsi yang strategik dalam pembiayaan PKS.

Datuk Wan Azhar berkata dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, CGC telah berjaya mengadakan perkongsian strategik dengan beberapa bank bagi memudahkan pilihan pembiayaan dan akses yang lebih cepat kepada dana untuk PKS melalui skim Jaminan Portfolio (PG) dan Jaminan Borong (WG). Perkongsian seumpama ini akan terus diterokai dengan institusi-instutusi kewangan lain yang kini mengambil bahagian dalam skim jaminan CGC.

Secara keseluruhan, sasaran CGC untuk menyediakan RM2.7 bilion kepada 5,600 PKS pada tahun 2014.

Datuk Wan Azhar menambah CGC juga aktif bekerja dengan syarikat subsidiarinya, Credit Bureau Malaysia, bagi membantu PKS membina sejarah kredit dan rekod yang baik untuk meningkatkan lagi kredibiliti dan bankabiliti mereka untuk membolehkan mereka untuk berunding dengan pemberi kredit berdasarkan merit mereka sendiri dan mendapatkan jumlah pembiayaan yang diperlukan dengan kos yang munasabah.

Majlis Makan Tengah Hari bersama Pelanggan ini telah dihadiri oleh Timbalan Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia, Dato ‘Muhammad bin Ibrahim, Pengerusi CGC, Dato’ Agil Natt, Lembaga pengarah CGC, wakil-wakil utama daripada institusi kewangan asing dan tempatan dan wakil-wakil dan ahli-ahli dari Dewan Perdagangan.

Para pelanggan terpilih CGC dan PKS menghadiri klinik usahawan yang dianjurkan oleh CGC sempena dengan majlis makan tengah hari ini. Sesi itu menyaksikan pertukaran idea dan dialog mengenai pembiayaan yang berkaitan bagi pembangunan sektor PKS di negara ini.


Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) telah ditubuhkan pada 5 Julai 1972. Pemegang saham semasa adalah Bank Negara Malaysia (pemegang saham utama) dan bank-bank komersial. Fokus perniagaan teras CGC adalah untuk membantu PKS, terutamanya mereka yang tanpa atau kekurangaan cagaran dan tidak mempunyai rekod prestasi untuk mendapatkan kemudahan kredit daripada institusi kewangan dengan memberikan perlindungan jaminan ke atas pembiayaan tersebut. Sejak penubuhannya, CGC telah secara kumulatif menjamin lebih daripada 420,000 pinjaman bernilai hampir RM52 bilion.

Kini, rancangan CGC untuk mencapai agenda pengukuhan kewangannya berjalan dengan lancar seperti yang termaktub dalam pelan transformasi bisnesnya. Sejak tiga (3) tahun kebelakangan ini, CGC telah mencatatkan kenaikan dalam keuntungan bersihnya dari RM15.6 juta pada 2010 kepada RM160.8 juta pada tahun 2012.

CGC, atau lebih dikenali sebagai ‘firma kredit bagi usahawan kecil’ pada awal penubuhannya lebih menumpukan usaha dalam membantu usahawan kecil dalam bidang pertanian, komersil dan sektor industri. Seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi Malaysia, pemintaan bagi servis jaminan CGC juga turut berkembang. Produk dan servisnya juga telah diperluaskan bagi memenuhi keperluan kemudahan kredit yang lebih besar daripada PKS berskala sederhana.

Sokongan CGC kepada PKS tidak hanya bertumpu kepada jaminan pinjaman dan kemudahan pembiayaan, tetapi juga perkhidmatan informasi kredit dan penarafan kredit melalui anak syarikatnya Biro Kredit Malaysia. Melalui Biro, CGC membantu PKS bagi mewujudkan sejarah dan rekod prestasi kredit bagi meningkatkan kredibiliti dan ‘bankabiliti’ mereka untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan secara merit dan pada kos yang berpatutan.

Pembiayaan lain yang diuruskan oleh CGC termasuk Skim Pembiayaan Teknologi Hijau (SPTH) dan Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera (TPUB-i) dengan peruntukan masing-masing berjumlah RM3.5 bilion dan RM300 juta. Setakat ini, CGC telah menguruskan sebanyak 42 skim jaminan termasuk 16 skim pembiayaan kerajaan.

Kini, 15 bank Islam, 17 bank komersil dan tujuh (7) institusi pembangunan kewangan telah turut serta dalam skim jaminan kredit CGC yang membolehkan pelanggan mendapat akses kepada pembiayaan melalui lebih daripada 2,000 cawangan mereka diseluruh negara.

PKS yang ingin mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai CGC boleh menghubungi Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan kami di 03-7880-0088 atau layari laman sesawang di www.cgc.com.my.

Untuk pertanyaan media:

V. Kumaran
Assistant Vice President (AVP), Corporate Communications
Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232
HP: 016-638 1747
Email: [email protected]

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CGC Menyediakan Pembiayaan untuk Perniagaan Baru

KUALA LUMPUR, 2 Jun 2014: Bagi merangsang pertumbuhan perniagaan untuk peniaga yang baru memulakan operasi, Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) telah mengambil inisiatif untuk menjadi tunggak utama bagi institusi kewangan di negara ini dalam menyediakan pembiayaan kepada segmen perniagaan baru yang umumnya dilihat sebagai berisiko tinggi melalui skim baharu BizMula-i.

Sebagai permulaan, BizMula-i memainkan peranan penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi negara kerana ia akan menjadi dorongan kepada pembangunan perniagaan baru yang tidak mempunyai rekod atau kolateral.

Prinsip asas skim ini adalah untuk menggalakkan dan memupuk perniagaan secara tunas, yang dilengkapi dengan pelan perniagaan yang berdaya maju, pasaran yang kukuh serta wawasan perniagaan dan pemanduan keusahawanan yang tinggi untuk berjaya.

Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif CGC Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad berkata skim yang berlandaskan Syariah ini adalah unik kerana perniagaan akan dibiayai secara langsung oleh CGC, dengan pembiayaan dari RM50,000 hingga RM300,000 dengan tempoh bayaran balik sehingga tujuh tahun.

Beliau juga menegaskan adalah penting untuk perniagaan baru mempunyai kemudahan akses kepada kemudahan pembiayaan dengan mudah selain bergantung semata-mata kepada dana mereka sendiri ini kerana ianya tidak mencukupi untuk golongan ini mengekalkan dan mengukuhkan perniagaan mereka.

“Kebiasaannya ia menjadi satu cabaran untuk perniagaan baru yang tiada rekod prestasi kewangan atau cagaran untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan bagi perniagaan mereka. Oleh itu, BizMula-i telah direka khas untuk menangani jurang yang wujud dalam pembiayaan segmen ini yang dilihat sebagai berisiko tinggi kepada peminjam.

“Portfolio awal yang dicadangkan merangkumi fasa pertama sebanyak RM30 juta daripada CGC yang berpotensi untuk memanfaatkan sehingga 600 perniagaan baharu,” jelas beliau semasa melancarkan BizMula-i hari ini.

Beliau berkata BizMula-i adalah skim yang pertama dalam siri inisiatif CGC yang bertujuan untuk memastikan operasi perniagaan baru berjaya dan terdapat banyak lagi program-program yang telah dirangka sejak beberapa tahun lalu dan CGC telah memainkan peranan penting dalam menyediakan pelbagai jenis pilihan pembiayaan untuk PKS.

“Penting bagi perniagaan baru untuk kekal berdaya saing dengan memberi tumpuan kepada pertumbuhan perniagaan semenjak dari awal lagi. Oleh itu, BizMula-i akan disediakan dengan harga yang munasabah untuk membantu dalam pengurusan aliran tunai PKS dalam tempoh pertumbuhan yang penting ini.

“Pada akhir tempoh tujuh tahun pembiayaan, beberapa perniagaan ini mungkin masih kekurangan cagaran. Secara strategiknya, kita akan mempertimbangkan untuk membantu memberikan pembiayaan kepada mereka di bawah skim jaminan CGC yang sedia ada,” kata beliau sambil menambah bahawa melalui pembiayaan langsung, CGC akan kekal di barisan hadapan dalam membantu segmen ini yang kurang mendapat perhatian dan merealisasikan potensi penuh perniagaan baru di negara ini.

Kini terdapat kira-kira 137,000 perniagaan yang aktif dan syarikat-syarikat yang beroperasi kurang daripada tiga tahun. Oleh itu CGC menyedari keperluan untuk membiayai kemudahan yang akan mendatangkan faedah kepada mereka. Kebanyakan perniagaan ini dikendalikan oleh peniaga yang berumur dari 35 tahun dan keatas, ianya menyumbang 60% daripada jumlah komposisi perniagaan PKS.

BizMula-i merupakan skim pembiayaan terus dari CGC kepada mereka berusia 21 hingga 58 tahun, dengan lesen perniagaan yang didaftarkan di Malaysia di bawah pihak berkuasa tempatan, dan perusahaan yang terletak di bawah definisi PKS seperti yang ditetapkan oleh Majlis Pembangunan PKS Kebangsaan (NCSC). Permohonan terbuka kepada Syarikat yang dikawal oleh warganegara Malaysia atau dimiliki rakyat Malaysia dengan sekurang-kurangnya 51% pegangan saham dan berlesen atau mesti telah beroperasi selama kurang daripada tiga tahun. BizMula-i boleh didapati secara langsung di semua 16 cawangan CGC di seluruh negara.

Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai BizMula-i, sila hubungi Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan di 03-78800088 atau layari www.cgc.com.my.

Mengenai CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) telah ditubuhkan pada 5 Julai 1972. Pemegang saham semasa adalah Bank Negara Malaysia (pemegang saham utama) dan bank-bank komersial. Fokus perniagaan teras CGC adalah untuk membantu PKS, terutamanya mereka yang tanpa atau kekurangaan cagaran dan tidak mempunyai rekod prestasi untuk mendapatkan kemudahan kredit daripada institusi kewangan dengan memberikan perlindungan jaminan ke atas pembiayaan tersebut. Sejak penubuhannya, CGC telah secara kumulatif menjamin lebih daripada 420,000 pinjaman bernilai hampir RM52 bilion.

Kini, rancangan CGC untuk mencapai agenda pengukuhan kewangannya berjalan dengan lancar seperti yang termaktub dalam pelan transformasi bisnesnya. Sejak tiga tahun kebelakangan ini, CGC telah mencatatkan kenaikan dalam keuntungan bersihnya dari RM15.6 juta pada 2010 kepada RM160.8 juta pada tahun 2012.

CGC, atau lebih dikenali sebagai ‘firma kredit bagi usahawan kecil’ pada awal penubuhannya lebih menumpukan usaha dalam membantu usahawan kecil dalam bidang pertanian, komersil dan sektor industri. Seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi Malaysia, pemintaan bagi servis jaminan CGC juga turut berkembang. Produk dan servisnya juga telah diperluaskan bagi memenuhi keperluan kemudahan kredit yang lebih besar daripada PKS berskala sederhana.

Sokongan CGC kepada PKS tidak hanya bertumpu kepada jaminan pinjaman dan kemudahan pembiayaan, tetapi juga perkhidmatan informasi kredit dan penarafan kredit melalui anak syarikatnya Biro Kredit Malaysia. Melalui Biro, CGC membantu PKS bagi mewujudkan sejarah dan rekod prestasi kredit bagi meningkatkan kredibiliti dan ‘bankabiliti’ mereka untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan secara merit dan pada kos yang berpatutan.

Pembiayaan lain yang diuruskan oleh CGC termasuk Skim Pembiayaan Teknologi Hijau (SPTH) dan Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera (TPUB-i) dengan peruntukan masing-masing berjumlah RM3.5 bilion dan RM300 juta. Setakat ini, CGC telah menguruskan sebanyak 42 skim jaminan termasuk 16 skim pembiayaan kerajaan.
Kini, 15 bank Islam, 17 bank komersil dan tujuh (7) institusi pembangunan kewangan telah turut serta dalam skim jaminan kredit CGC yang membolehkan pelanggan mendapat akses kepada pembiayaan melalui lebih daripada 2,000 cawangan mereka diseluruh negara.

PKS yang ingin mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai CGC boleh menghubungi Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan kami di 03-7880-0088 atau layari laman sesawang di www.cgc.com.my.

Untuk pertanyaan media:

V. Kumaran
Assistant Vice President (AVP), Corporate Communications
Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232
HP: 016-638 1747
Email: [email protected]

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Kuala Lumpur, 10 April 2014 – Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) dan OCBC Al-Amin Bank Berhad telah menandatangani perjanjian jaminan pembiayaan borong pertama untuk Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) hari ini, menandakan satu mercu jaya dalam pembangunan pembiayaan perniagaan tidak bercagar Malaysia.

Kemudahan Wholesale Guarantee-i (WG-i), yang membabitkan jumlah awal sebanyak RM250 juta daripada portfolio pembiayaan PKS tidak bercagar sedia ada OCBC Al-Amin Bank, bakal menyaksikan risiko yang wujud dalam pembiayaan perniagaan dikongsi bersama antara CGC dan OCBC Al-Amin untuk tempoh jaminan 5 tahun. Sebelum ini, semua risiko ditanggung olehpihak Bank.

Mengulas mengenai skim tersebut, Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif CGC, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad berkata CGC yakin bahawa jaminan borong yang pertama sepertinya ini adalah satu perkembangan positif bagi pembangunan perniagaan pembiayaan PKS di Malaysia.

“CGC mengakui keperluan yang wajar diisi untuk memperkenalkan lebih banyak produk inovatif dalam usaha membolehkan pembiayaan perniagaan terus disediakan sejajar dengan mandatnya untuk menyokong pembangunan PKS dan menawarkan kemudahan ini dengan cara yang lebih berdaya maju. Kami yakin bahawa lebih banyak bank akan menerokai pembiayaan tidak bercagar memandangkan ia memberikan kelebihan baru bagi industri perbankandengan mengurangkan risiko yang dihadapi oleh institusi kewangan dan membebaskan modal untuk meningkatkan kapasiti pembiayaan PKS.

“Tidak seperti skim jaminan sedia ada yang ditawarkan CGC di mana institusi kewangan menentukan keperluan untuk jaminan terlebih dahulu, institusi kewangan sudah pun menaja jamin pinjaman berasaskan kriteria dan program mereka sendiri di bawah WG. Yuran yang dikenakan bagi WG adalah rendah berbanding dengan skim lain yang ditawarkan CGC dan boleh diserap dengan mudah oleh institusi kewangan,” kata Datuk Wan Azhar.

Beliau menekankan lagi bahawa dalam usaha meningkatkan kebolehan untuk terus menyediakan kemudahan pembiayaan, institusi kewangan boleh memilih untuk menempatkan pinjaman tersebut ke dalam WG, sekali gus mendapatkan manfaat BASEL yang diberikan kepada sebarang pinjaman yang dijamin oleh CGC di mana wajaran risikonya hanyalah 20%.

“Ini akan membolehkan institusi kewangan ‘membebaskan’ modal dan pada masa yang sama mengurangkan sebarang risiko yang tidak dijangka. Dengan mengimbangi risiko dan potensi ganjaran kepada penyedia perkhidmatan, kami berharap untuk mengembangkan lagi trend positif ini dalam industri.”

Beliau menambah bahawa lebih banyak bank harus mempertimbangkan keperluan menyediakan pilihan pembiayaan inovatif kerana ini membolehkan mereka untuk terus memberikan pembiayaan kepada PKS bersandarkan jaminan CGC.

OCBC Al-Amin menjadi penggerak utama inisiatif untuk menawarkan pembiayaan tidak bercagar dua tahun lepas apabila memperkenalkan OCBC Al-Amin Business Cash-i (BC-i) sebagai tindak balas terhadap hasil tinjau selidik Jabatan Statistik yang membimbangkan, yang menunjukkan bahawa 55% daripada responden PKS menyatakan bahawa ketiadaan cagaran merupakan sekatan utama untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan.

Kemudahan BC-i, yang diperkenalkan pada 2012 dan telah memenuhi keperluan lebih 5,000 pelanggan, adalah sebanding pembiayaan peribadi tidak bercagar tetapi disediakan untuk syarikat perniagaan dan ditujukan kepada pelanggan PKS. Ia membolehkan perniagaan kecil dan sederhana untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan bertempoh tidak bercagar berjumlah serendah RM50,000 hingga maksimum RM400,000 dengan tempoh antara tiga hingga lima tahun pada kadar serendah 5% setahun.

Menurut Pengarah & Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif OCBC Al-Amin, Syed Abdull Aziz Syed Kechik, BC-i, dan WG-i, telah disusun sejajar dengan kecenderungan PKS yang kian meningkat untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan bertempoh tidak bercagar untuk memenuhi keperluan pembiayaan perniagaan jangka pendek hingga pertengahan. BC-i ialah satu inovasi penting dalam perbankan Islam kerana setakat ini tiada produk sepertinyadalam perbankan konvensional.

“Pembiayaan bertempoh tidak bercagar sukar dilaksanakan pada masa lepas. Pada hari ini, kami mengiktiraf pembiayaan bercagar sebagai satu keperluan dan sukacita untuk menyediakan kemudahan ini kepada perniagaan dengan rekod pencapaian terbukti yang mempunyai penyata kewangan yang kukuh. Kemudahan ini amat sesuai untuk penambahbaikan modal, pelaburan modal seperti mesin dan bahan mentah, dan untuk menyokong pertumbuhan perniagaan di mana modal kerja tambahan diperlukan.

“Secara umumnya, pembiayaan bertempoh memerlukan satu bentuk cagaran dan merupakan proses kelulusan yang agak teliti. BC-i dirangka untuk mengenepikan keperluan ini supaya perniagaan yang layak mempunyai capaian lebih luas kepada pembiayaan jangka pendek dan pertengahan,” katanya.

Mengulas mengenai kelebihan BC-i, Syed Abdull Aziz berkatapemilik PKS khususnya sering mendapati mereka memerlukan sokongan pembiayaan tambahan untuk terus mengembangkan perniagaan.

“Kini mereka dapat memenuhi keperluan ini menerusi kemudahan yang tidak memerlukan cagaran, mudah untuk dimohon, pantas dari segi masa pemprosesan dan menyenangkan,” katanya.

Mereka yang memohon kemudahan BC-i boleh mendapatkan kelulusan dalam masa seminggu. Yuran pemprosesan, jaminan CGC, penyata kewangan, penyata bank atau dokumen berkanun tidak diperlukan apabila memohon. Di samping itu, tiada denda prabayar atau tempoh terkunci.

“Kami ingin memainkan peranan dalam rancangan kerajaanmenjadikan PKS sebagai penyumbang utama kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Risiko yang dikongsi dengan CGC ternyata membantu dalam usaha kami untuk menjadi peserta jangka panjang dalam bidang ini,” tambah Syed Abdull Aziz.

Mereka yang berminat untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut tentang BC-i boleh menghubungi talian 1300 88 7000 atau 1300 88 0255.

Untuk pertanyaan media:

V. Kumaran
Assistant Vice President/Head
Corporate Communications
Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad
Tel: 03-7806-2300 ext 232
HP: 016-638-1747
Email: [email protected]

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CGC and DPMM to facilitate Bumiputera SMEs' access to financing

Petaling Jaya, Tues – Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) and the Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today to establish a collaborative framework in an effort to further strengthen their support for the development of the Bumiputera SMEs.

Through this collaboration, CGC, the leading enabler of SME financing in the country and DPMM, an institution to promote the development of Bumiputera entreprenuers, will work closely to bring about higher level of awareness and understanding of DPMM’s members on the guarantee and credit financing facilities offered by CGC and also by the financial institutions in general.

“The collaboration will pave the way for CGC to gain a better understanding of DPMM members’ specific financing requirement and challenges, which we believe will help us in developing customized products and services to suit their business needs,” said CGC’s President /CEO, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

“The initiative is in line with the national Bumiputera development agenda as we are committed in addressing some of the main concerns affecting the Bumiputera entrepreneur community in particular access to financing,” added Datuk Wan Azhar.

“CGC and DPMM are also looking towards developing a holistic plan in an effort to further improve the productivity and competitiveness of the Bumiputera SMEs to ensure their business growth and success,” said Datuk Wan Azhar.

“As an organization representing and serving the Malay business communities in Malaysia, DPMM believe this collaboration will enhance the opportunity for its members to access financial facilities from financial institutions through the guarantee support by CGC,” said DPMM’s Vice President, Encik Rizal Faris Mohideen.

“In this context, DPMM highly appreciate the effort by CGC in collaborating to assist the eligible SMEs particularly members of DPMM in obtaining credit financing supports and hope this mutual understanding and cooperation will benefit the Bumiputera SMEs and further enhance the growth and development of the SMEs businesses,” added Encik Rizal.

Currently, CGC offers two financing facilities designed exclusively for the Bumiputera entrepreneurs namely the Enhancer Bumi and Bumiputera Entrepreneur Project Fund-i
(TPUB-i). In 2013, CGC has provided close to RM500 million of financing under all schemes benefitting more than 700 Bumiputera SMEs to date.

“Today, with the signing of a the new PG Bumi with Maybank Berhad, yet another new scheme specifically for Bumiputera SMEs is made available to viable Bumiputera- owned and controlled businesses,” said Datuk Wan Azhar.

In 2014, CGC targets to provide RM2.7 billion of SME loans to all segments of SMEs with about 35% targeted for the Bumiputera SMEs.

Signing the MoU documents were CGC’s Senior Vice President of Product and Bumiputera Development, Hj Raja Taufik Azad Ahmad Suhaimi and the Secretary-General of DPMM Tuan Hj. Hanafee Yusoff. The signing ceremony was witnessed by the President/CEO of CGC, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

About CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) was established on July 5, 1972. Current shareholders are Bank Negara Malaysia (major shareholder) and commercial banks. The core business focus of CGC is to assist SMEs, especially those without or with inadequate collateral and track record to obtain credit facilities from financial institutions by providing guarantee cover on such facilities. CGC has cumulatively guaranteed more than 420,000 loans valued at close to RM52 billion since its establishment.

Today, CGC is well on track to achieve its financial sustainability agenda as envisaged under its business transformation plan. CGC has registered an increase in its net profits ranging from RM15.6 million in 2010 to RM160.8 million in 2012.

CGC, known as the ‘credit firm for the small man’ in its early years, focused on helping small enterprises in the agricultural, commercial and industrial sectors. As the Malaysian economy expanded over the years, the demand for CGC’s guarantee services also grew in tandem. The range of products and services were also expanded to cater to larger credit facilities required by medium-sized SMEs. CGC’s support for SMEs is not only confined to the provision of loan guarantees and financing facilities, but also credit information and credit rating services through its subsidiary Credit Bureau Malaysia. Through the Bureau, CGC assists SMEs to build a credit history and track record to enhance their credibility and bankability to secure financing on their own merit and at reasonable cost.

Other funds currently managed by CGC include the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) and the Bumiputera Entrepreneur Project Fund (TPUB-i) with a total allocation of RM3.5 billion and RM300 million respectively. CGC had managed a total of 42 guarantee schemes including 16 government-funded schemes.

To date, 15 Islamic banks, 17 commercial banks and seven (7) development financial institutions (DFIs) are participating in CGC’s guarantee schemes, providing customers with a wide network of more than 2,000 branches nationwide to avail financing.
SMEs wishing to obtain more information on CGC may call its Client Service Centre at 03-78800088 or visit www.cgc.com.my.

For media enquiries:
V. Kumaran
Assistant Vice President (AVP), Corporate Communications
Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232
HP: 016-638 1747
Email: [email protected]

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CGC appoints Dato' Hj. Syed Moheeb Syed Kamarulzaman as Independent Non - Executive Director

Petaling Jaya, 30 Jan – Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dato’ Hj Syed Moheeb Syed Kamarulzaman as its independent non-executive director recently.

Dato’ Hj Syed Moheeb brings with him vast experience in the area of conventional insurance and takaful as well as Islamic financing. Dato’ Hj Syed Moheeb is a chartered insurance practitioner, an associate of the Malaysian Insurance Institute as well as a Practising Member of the Association of Chartered Islamic Finance Professionals (ACIFP).

His career in the conventional insurance, reinsurance and takaful industry spans 38 years where he has helmed several local and multinational direct insurance and reinsurance companies.

Currently, Dato’ Hj Syed Moheeb is a board member of the Asian Institute of Finance (AIF), the umbrella body of Malaysia’s finance industry’s training institute, and the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII). He also sits on MII’s Executive Committee.

He is also a member of the Professional Development Panel (PDP) of the International Centre of Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF), a global university for Islamic Finance, as well as the Academic Quality Assurance Committee (AQAC) of INCEIF and Accreditation Committee of Asian Institute of Finance.

About CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) was established on July 5, 1972. Current shareholders are Bank Negara Malaysia (major shareholder) and commercial banks. The core business focus of CGC is to assist SMEs, especially those without or with inadequate collateral and track record to obtain credit facilities from financial institutions by providing guarantee cover on such facilities. CGC has cumulatively guaranteed more than 420,000 loans valued at close to RM52 billion since its establishment.

Today, CGC is well on track to achieve its financial sustainability agenda as envisaged under its business transformation plan. In the last three (3) years, CGC has registered an increase in its net profits ranging from RM15.6 million in 2010 to RM160.8 million in 2012.

CGC, known as the ‘credit firm for the small man’ in its early years, focused on helping small enterprises in the agricultural, commercial and industrial sectors. As the Malaysian economy expanded over the years, the demand for CGC’s guarantee services also grew in tandem and since its establishment in 1972. The range of products and services were also expanded to cater to larger credit facilities required by medium-sized SMEs.

CGC’s support for SME’s is not only confined to the provision of loan guarantees and financing facilities, but also credit information and credit rating services through its subsidiary Credit Bureau Malaysia. Through the Bureau, CGC assists SME’s to build a credit history and track record to enhance their credibility and bankability to secure financing on their own merit and at reasonable cost.

Other funds currently managed by CGC include the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) and the Bumiputera Entreprenuer Project Fund (TPUB-i) with a total allocation of RM3.5 billion and RM300 million respectively. To date, CGC had managed a total of 42 guarantee schemes including 16 government-funded schemes.

To date, 15 Islamic banks, 17 commercial banks and seven (7) development financial institutions (DFIs) are participating in CGC’s guarantee schemes, providing customers with a wide network of more than 2000 branches nationwide to avail financing.

SMEs wishing to obtain more information on CGC may call its Client Service Centre at 03-78800088 or visit www.cgc.com.my.

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1,800 SMEs to be offered fee incentives by CGC

Petaling Jaya, 3 January – Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC), the leading SME-support institution in the country, will be offering rebates on its guarantee fee to their customers as a reward for timely repayment and good conduct of their loan account.

With the implementation of the rebate incentives, more than 1,800 of CGC borrowers are expected to benefit between 2% to 15% of discount on their annual guarantee fee in 2014. Currently, CGC’s guarantee fee ranges from 0.5% to 5.75% with the average fee of about 3.9% for the unsecured loans.

Borrowers eligible for rebates are those that do not have any adverse record on the existing loan facility with CGC and the loan guarantee should be active for a minimum of one and a half years. The rebate will be made available to eligible customers upon annual review of their account and is applicable to all CGC’s guarantee schemes.

With CGC’s guarantee cover, the SMEs are able to secure financing from RM50,000 to RM10 million from the financial institutions.

“The rebate offered is one of the proactive measures undertaken by CGC to ease the cost of borrowing for the SMEs, in light of the recent overall escalation in the cost of doing business. We have allocated about RM1.7 million worth of rebates for this purpose,” said CGC’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

“By rewarding the right customers, we are sending the message that it pays to conduct the loan facility properly and thereby promoting a sound credit culture amongst the SMEs,” added Datuk Wan Azhar.

Datuk Wan Azhar also reiterated that CGC, being in the forefront of SME development, had taken several initiatives in the recent years to address critical issues faced by the SMEs especially with access to financing, cost of borrowing and more importantly, the turnaround time.

“Amongst others, we have forged strategic partnerships with eight (8) leading banks to create not only alternate but also quicker access to financing via the portfolio guarantee scheme,” added Datuk Wan Azhar.  “And to help SMEs cope with the escalating cost of borrowing, we had introduced the ‘blended rate’ formula and ‘risk-adjusted pricing’ mechanisms, which place a capping on the interest rate that the financial institutions (FIs) may levy on loans guaranteed by CGC and to rate a borrower according to their individual risk profile, respectively.”

In 2014, CGC is targeting to provide RM 2.7 billion of financing benefitting about 5,600 SMEs by focusing on four main segments namely the Start Ups, Bumiputera entreprenuers, new growth sectors and Syariah-based financing.

About CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) was established on July 5, 1972. Current shareholders are Bank Negara Malaysia (major shareholder) and commercial banks. The core business focus of CGC is to assist SMEs, especially those without or with inadequate collateral and track record to obtain credit facilities from financial institutions by providing guarantee cover on such facilities. CGC has cumulatively guaranteed more than 420,000 loans valued at close to RM52 billion since its establishment.

Today, CGC is well on track to achieve its financial sustainability agenda as envisaged under its business transformation plan. In the last three (3) years, CGC has registered an increase in its net profits ranging from RM15.6 million in 2010 to RM160.8 million in 2012.

CGC, known as the ‘credit firm for the small man’ in its early years, focused on helping small enterprises in the agricultural, commercial and industrial sectors. As the Malaysian economy expanded over the years, the demand for CGC’s guarantee services also grew in tandem. The range of products and services were also expanded to cater to larger credit facilities required by medium-sized SMEs.

CGC’s support for SME’s is not only confined to the provision of loan guarantees and financing facilities, but also credit information and credit rating services through its subsidiary Credit Bureau Malaysia. Through the Bureau, CGC assists SME’s to build a credit history and track record to enhance their credibility and bankability to secure   financing on their own merit and at reasonable cost.

Other funds currently managed by CGC include the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) and the Bumiputera Entreprenuer Project Fund (TPUB-i) with a total allocation of RM3.5 billion and RM300 million respectively. To date, CGC had managed a total of 42 guarantee schemes including 16 government-funded schemes.

To date, 15 Islamic banks, 17 commercial banks and seven (7) development financial institutions (DFIs) are participating in CGC’s guarantee schemes, providing customers with a wide network of more than 2000 branches nationwide to avail financing.

SMEs wishing to obtain more information on CGC may call its Client Service Centre at 03-78800088 or visit www.cgc.com.my.

For media enquiries:
V. Kumaran
Head, Corporate Communications
Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232
HP: 016-638 1747
Email: [email protected]

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CGC repays RM700 million loan to Bank Negara Malaysia

Petaling Jaya, Tues – Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC), the leading credit guarantee institution for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), had been successful in administrating several government-funded schemes including the SME Assistance Facility (SAF) and SME Modernisation Facility.

The SAF and SMF were aimed at assisting SMEs that were facing financial difficulties to manage temporary cash flow problems due to rising cost as well as to modernise their operations for better efficiency and increased productivity during the economic slowdown in 2008-2009. A total of RM850 million loan was extended by Bank Negara Malaysia to CGC to implement SAF and SMF. These schemes were successful in meeting its intended objectives with a total of 4,928 SMEs benefitting from the scheme through financing totaling RM1.08 billion.

Recently, CGC had successfully paid RM700 million, being the first tranche of the loan repayment to Bank Negara Malaysia.

“The repayment of the loan reflects CGC’s growing financial strength and its strong ability to meet its SME loan targets and operation. The payment of RM700 million has been planned for as per the agreed terms of the loan,” said CGC’s Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

He also added that the repayment will not impact CGC’s reserves and its’ capability to continue with its primary role of providing credit guarantees to the SMEs in the future. “CGC will continue to expand its developmental role while staying focused on achieving its financial sustainability agenda,” added Datuk Wan Azhar.

In 2014, CGC has targeted to provide RM2.75 billion of financing to about 5,600 SMEs.

About CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) was established on July 5, 1972. Current shareholders are Bank Negara Malaysia (major shareholder) and commercial banks. The core business focus of CGC is to assist SMEs, especially those without or with inadequate collateral and track record to obtain credit facilities from financial institutions by providing guarantee cover on such facilities. CGC has cumulatively guaranteed more than 420,000 loans valued at close to RM52 billion since its establishment.

Today, CGC is well on track to achieve its financial sustainability agenda as envisaged under its business transformation plan. In the last three (3) years, CGC has registered an increase in its net profits ranging from RM15.6 million in 2010 to RM160.8 million in 2012.

CGC, known as the ‘credit firm for the small man’ in its early years, focused on helping small enterprises in the agricultural, commercial and industrial sectors. As the Malaysian economy expanded over the years, the demand for CGC’s guarantee services also grew in tandem. The range of products and services were also expanded to cater to larger credit facilities required by medium-sized SMEs.

CGC’s support for SME’s is not only confined to the provision of loan guarantees and financing facilities, but also credit information and credit rating services through its subsidiary Credit Bureau Malaysia. Through the Bureau, CGC assists SME’s to build a credit history and track record to enhance their credibility and bankability to secure financing on their own merit and at reasonable cost.

Other funds currently managed by CGC include the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) and the Bumiputera Entreprenuer Project Fund (TPUB-i) with a total allocation of RM3.5 billion and RM300 million respectively. To date, CGC had managed a total of 42 guarantee schemes including 16 government-funded schemes.

To date, 15 Islamic banks, 17 commercial banks and seven (7) development financial institutions (DFIs) are participating in CGC’s guarantee schemes, providing customers with a wide network of more than 2000 branches nationwide to avail financing.

SMEs wishing to obtain more information on CGC may call its Client Service Centre at 03-78800088 or visit www.cgc.com.my.

For media enquiries:

V. Kumaran
Head, Corporate Communications
Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232
HP: 016-638 1747
Email: [email protected]

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Standard Chartered Saadiq & CGC roll out first Islamic Portfolio Guarantee scheme for SMEs

KUALA LUMPUR, 21 November 2013 – Standard Chartered Saadiq Berhad (Saadiq) today sealed an agreement with Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) to provide financing to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with the launch of the country’s first Islamic Portfolio Guarantee (PG) scheme.

Saadiq, a wholly-owned Islamic banking subsidiary of Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia is the first Islamic bank to enter into such agreement with CGC, as it aims to provide a comprehensive range of Syariah compliant solutions and help businesses grow.

The Islamic PG scheme is a term financing facility that offers financing from RM100,000 up to RM800,000 with flexible financing tenure of between 36 and 84 months. With RM200 million to be offered under the new agreement, about 400 SMEs are expected to benefit from the scheme within the next one year.

“We believe that the Islamic-based PG will provide various benefits to the industry as it provides a viable alternative to those SMEs that prefer Syariah-compliant banking to obtain greater access to financing. It will certainly contribute to further growth and development of Islamic financing in Malaysia,” said CGC’s Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

“We remain committed in addressing the unique banking needs of SMEs especially those that are marginal but potentially viable by providing innovative financial solutions and alternate avenues to gain access to financing of their choice,” added Datuk Wan Azhar.

“SME is one of the fastest growing segments in Islamic finance. For Saadiq, as we focus on offering a comprehensive product suite, the roll out of this Islamic PG scheme for SMEs which is the country’s first demonstrates our commitment to this vital and growing segment which is the backbone of many economies worldwide,” said Wasim Saifi, CEO, Standard Chartered Saadiq & Global Head, Islamic Consumer Banking, Standard Chartered Bank.

The agreement was signed by CGC’s Head of Business Development Ms. Kristine Ng Wei Miem and Mr. Wasim Saifi, CEO, Standard Chartered Saadiq & Global Head, Islamic Consumer Banking, Standard Chartered Bank and witnessed by CGC’s Managing Director, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad at a signing ceremony today.

Under the agreement, CGC guarantees 70 per cent of the approved total principal amount undertaken by SMEs and assists to verify the credibility of applicants in consultation with Saadiq.

The scheme enables SMEs to gain quicker access to financing with speedier turnaround time in terms of approval and disbursement as applications are evaluated for eligibility based on a pre-determined and simplified set of criteria.

SMEs have the advantage of transacting the trading process with aqad or contract process via Short Messaging Service (SMS) upon acceptance with speedy full financing disbursement within three days. The Bank also benefits from certainty of a pre-determined guarantee cover percentage for the amount that is agreed upon giving it higher level of confidence in granting financing to the SMEs.

Prior to the launch of the Islamic PG scheme, RM500 million of financing has been made available via the conventional PG scheme in partnership with CGC benefiting about 2000 SMEs.

The Islamic PG Scheme is available at all Saadiq and Standard Chartered Bank branches nationwide.


For media enquiries, please contact:

CGC Malaysia Berhad
V. Kumaran
Head, Corporate Communications,
Tel: +603 7806 2300 ext 232
HP: +6016-638 1747
Email: [email protected]
Standard Chartered Bank
Ahmad Ridzuan Samsudin (Reed)
Head, Business Communications
Corporate Affairs Malaysia
Tel: +603 2117 7821
HP: +6017 252 9606
Email: [email protected]

Note to Editors

About CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) was established on July 5, 1972. Current shareholders are Bank Negara Malaysia (major shareholder) and commercial banks. The core business focus of CGC is to assist SMEs, especially those without or with inadequate collateral and track record to obtain credit facilities from financial institutions by providing guarantee cover on such facilities. CGC has cumulatively guaranteed more than 420,000 loans valued at close to RM51 billion since its establishment.

Standard Chartered – leading the way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Standard Chartered is a leading international banking group. It has operated for over 150 years in some of the world’s most dynamic markets and earns around 90 per cent of its income and profits in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. This geographic focus and commitment to developing deep relationships with clients and customers has driven the Bank’s growth in recent years. Standard Chartered PLC is listed on the London and Hong Kong stock exchanges as well as the Bombay and National Stock Exchanges in India.

With 1,700 offices in 70 markets, the Group offers exciting and challenging international career opportunities to over 88,000 staff. It is committed to building a sustainable business over the long term and upholding high standards of corporate governance, social responsibility, environmental protection and employee diversity. Standard Chartered’s heritage and values are expressed in its brand promise, ‘Here for good’.

For further information please visit standardchartered.com. Follow Standard Chartered on facebook.com/standardchartered and on Twitter@StanChart.

Standard Chartered in Malaysia

Standard Chartered Bank, a member of the Standard Chartered Group was established in Malaysia in 1875 and incorporated as Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad on 29 February 1984. As Malaysia’s first bank, Standard Chartered leads the way through product innovation, consistent and strong growth performance and sustainability initiatives. The Bank’s two businesses – Wholesale and Consumer Banking – provides a comprehensive range of financial products and services to corporates, institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises and individuals through its network of 42 branches across Malaysia.

In 2001, Standard Chartered UK established its third global technology & operations centre, Scope International, in Malaysia – the first international bank to do so in the country. Scope International provides software development, banking operations, IT support services and customer service capabilities to the Bank in up to 70 countries. It now houses the biggest software development company in the country, International Software Centre Malaysia (ISCM) and has a total workforce of more than 3,200 people.

Price Solutions Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Chartered Bank UK is also located in Malaysia. The company promotes and markets Standard Chartered’s financial products in Malaysia through a network of direct sales agents.

Standard Chartered Saadiq Berhad, Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia’s Islamic Banking subsidiary was established in November 2008. It offers a full suite of Syariah-compliant products and services to individuals and corporates through its Saadiq branches.

Standard Chartered employs close to 7,000 employees in all its Malaysian operations.

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Book on CGC's contribution to SME growth launched

Kuala Lumpur, 21 June – In conjunction with its 40th anniversary, the Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) launched its book entitled ‘Catalysing SME Growth.’ The book was officially launched by Y.Bhg Dato’ Muhammad bin Ibrahim, the Deputy Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia.

The book ‘Catalysing SME Growth’ is aimed at creating a better understanding of its role amongst its stakeholders in particular the SMEs. It documents CGC’s role in promoting the growth and development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through its guarantee schemes over the last 40 years.

CGC initiated the documentation of its 40 years journey to share with all its stakeholders the compelling story of the first fully dedicated SME-support institution in the country that had shaped the SME sector landscape of Malaysia to a significant extent.

“CGC was established against the backdrop of Malaysian economy that was heavily reliant on volatile primary commodities such as rubber and tin. It was during a period of great disparities in income distribution amongst the populace notwithstanding the problems of poverty and unemployment,” said CGC’s Chairman Dato’ Md Agil Bin Mohd Natt.

“A new development strategy was unveiled under the Second Malaysia Plan (1971-1975) aimed at alleviating the problems of poverty, unemployment and economic disparities. It was within this economic environment with the country poised for economic restructuring that CGC was established,” added Dato’ Md Agil.

Incorporated on 5th July 1972 with an authorised capital of RM20 million and paid-up capital of RM2.5 million, CGC’s mandated role was clearly defined to assist marginal but potentially viable SMEs in obtaining credit facilities from the financial institutions.

In its formative years, CGC as a developmental financial institution played a socio-economic role in supporting the country’s economic development agenda. It complemented the banks in financing the SMEs in the agricultural, commercial and industrial sectors with small loans ranging from RM5,000 to RM75,000. It approved close to RM12 million of loans in its first year of operation as opposed to an average of RM3.0 billion currently.

“CGC, a Bank Negara Malaysia initiative, was inspired by similar bodies that were set up by the World Bank and central banks around the world which had been successful in helping to improve the accessibility to financing by businesses,” said Dato’ Md Agil.

In the introductory message of the book, the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Tan Sri Dr. Zeti said that the Credit Guarantee Corporation is a key institutional arrangement in facilitating greater access to financing by the SMEs. By providing guarantee to loans obtained by SMEs, CGC addresses one of the main constraints of SMEs, that is, the lack of collateral.

Tan Sri Dr. Zeti also noted that CGC has functioned as a key enabler in supporting the growth of SME financing. By being the link between financial institutions and SMEs, CGC has developed a deep and broad knowledge on the business challenges and the needs of SMEs and is well-positioned to leverage on its existing linkages with the SME community.””

“BNM, as the largest shareholder of CGC, is committed to ensuring that CGC continues to play an effective role in assisting viable SMEs with inadequate collateral and track record through enhancing SMEs’ access to financing,” said Tan Sri Dr. Zeti.

CGC had managed 42 guarantee schemes tailored to suit the specific needs of the SMEs in every sector of the economy and consistently been looking out for innovative ways to improve SMEs outreach especially in the financing of smaller businesses. To date, CGC has guaranteed a total of RM51.4 billion of loans benefitting more than 420,000 SMEs.

“CGC is more commercially oriented these days which BNM believes is crucial for CGC to maintain its financial sustainability while performing its developmental role effectively,” said CGC’s Managing Director, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

The book launch which was held at Sasana Kijang, Bank Negara Malaysia was attended by about 400 guests who consist of BNM officials, CEOs of financial institutions, CGC’s past and present Board of Directors and senior management, representatives of the Associations of banks in Malaysia, financial institutions, Government agencies, the business and trade chambers.

About CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) was established on July 5, 1972. Current shareholders are Bank Negara Malaysia (major shareholder) and all commercial banks. CGC has 16 branches nationwide which were established since year 2000. The core business focus of CGC is to assist SMEs, especially those without or with inadequate collateral and track record to obtain credit facilities from financial institutions by providing guarantee cover on such facilities. To date, CGC has been instrumental in the establishment of more than 420,000 SMEs, guaranteeing close to RM51.4 billion.

For media enquiries:

V. Kumaran
Head, Corporate Communications
Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232
E-mail: [email protected]

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ADFIAP to Advance Sustainable Businesses

Ulaanbaatar, 23 May – The Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) is hosting its 36th Annual Meeting in Ulaanbatar, Mongolia from 22-24 May 2013. The 3-days meeting themed “DFI’s and Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Advancing Sustainable Businesses” is hosted by the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI).

The annual meeting officiated by the Prime Minister of Mongolia, His Excellency Norovyn Altankhuyag is chaired by ADFIAP’s chairman Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad who is also the Managing Director of Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad(CGC).

In his opening remarks, Datuk Wan Azhar said that the synergistic public-private sector partnership between the development finance institutions (DFIs) and business organizations should be strengthened further as both play a critical role in achieving a sustainable future.

“When we talk about sustainable future, we really need to understand what sustainable development is all about. It embraces the triple line of sustainability, that is the economic, environmental and social as well as anticipates and addresses major trends such as climate change, natural resource depletion, food scarcity and urban expansion,” said Datuk Wan Azhar.

“Sustainability is about enhancing the quality of growth to help especially developing countries to move and remain on a development path that reduces poverty and meets the needs of people today without reducing the ability of future generations to meet their goals,” added Datuk Wan Azhar.

Datuk Wan Azhar said that in the present day, public-private partnership are increasingly seen by governments, aid organizations and the international community as the most excellent way to leverage resources to meet critical infrastructure and security needs. This will also allow governments to benefit from private sector initiatives, entrepreneurship and financing to increase capacity and efficiency.

He also reiterated that the DFIs, with its mandate of providing access to financial and support services for the underserved, priority and strategic sectors of the economy, and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry with its role as the focal point and voice of private sector, can jointly undertake economic, social and environmental development initiatives to help expand and sustain national growth and prosperity.

“It is in this context that we have chosen ‘DFIs & Chambers of Commerce & Industry: Advancing Sustainable Businesses’ as the theme for this edition of our annual meeting,î said Datuk Wan Azhar. ‘This theme is in recognition of the synergistic public-private partnership of business organizations and the development finance institutions under ADFIAP.”

He further added that this is the first time that the DFIs and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the ADFIAP community are joining together to enhance cooperation and explore new opportunities for the advancement of business sustainability.

Institutions like ADFIAP that are advocates of sustainable development, believe that meeting the needs of the future depends on how well they balance the social, economic and environmental objectives or needs when making decisions.

‘ADFIAP member institutions use development finance as an instrument in pursuing their sustainable development mandates by taking the dimensions or aspects of sustainability plus good governance as the four pillars of ADFIAP’s sustainable mission,î added Datuk Wan Azhar. The three days meeting features sessions, debates and discussions on sustainable businesses, best practices on SME promotion and development, microfinance and financial inclusion, innovative and sustainable business practices, green investments in infrastructure and energy, governance and CSR, and the role of chamber of commerce and industries in economic and business development as well as global economic trend and challenges.

Other programmes include the 77th Board of Directors Meeting, the 20th Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly, the ADFIAP Awards 2013, the Conference Proper, the Delegates-meet-Delegates session as well as Shared Interest Group Seminars.

At the welcome reception and awards night held last evening, Datuk Wan Azhar was bestowed the coveted ‘Silk Road Award’ in recognition of his contribution towards the banking community for SME development. The award was presented on behalf of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) by Mr. S. Demberel, the chairman and CEO of MNCCI and a member of Parliament of Mongolia.

About 100 ADFIAP’s delegates comprising of chief executives and senior management of DFIs, officials of supervisory authorities and government agencies, central banks, Ministries of Finance, commercial banks and multinational corporations from all over Asia and the Pacific nation and from the Chambers of Commerce and Industry are attending the 36th Annual Meeting.

Besides CGC, other Malaysian DFIs participating in this meeting are Agro Bank, BSN, Perbadanan Nasional Bhd (PNS), SME Bank and TEKUN Nasional.


The ADFIAP (Associations of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific) was established in 1976 by the development financing institutions (DFIs) in the Asian and Pacific region under the auspices of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). ADFIAP currently has 131 member-institutions in 45 countries and territories. Malaysia has 10 institutions who are members of ADFIAP.

ADFIAP is also a founding member and secretariat of the 320-member, 106-country, World Federation of Development Financing Institutions (WFDFI) composed of similar regional associations in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. ADFIAP is an NGO in consultative status with the United Nation’s Economic and Social council (UN ECOSOC) with its headquarters in Manila, Philippines.

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Signing Ceremony CGC & Alliance Bank


13 MARCH 2013



Kuala Lumpur, 13 March – Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad (Alliance Bank) today signed an agreement with Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) to provide easier access to financing for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on a portfolio guarantee basis.

Starting with an initial tranche size of RM50 million, the portfolio guarantee aims to assist the small businesses by providing loans for working capital as well as asset acquisition. CGC, a leading credit guarantee provider in the country, will be providing 70% guarantee cover of the approved total principal amount undertaken by SMEs and will assist to verify the credibility of the applicants in consultation with Alliance Bank.

The minimum loan quantum under this portfolio guarantee is RM100,000 and the maximum RM300,000 per SME customer at a fixed loan tenor of five years. Applications may be made at any Alliance Bank branch nationwide.

“Based on our interaction with the SME community, we understand that in a competitive business environment, timing is vital to any SME. Businesses have to continuously evolve and adapt to the ever changing business demands and can no longer delay the implementation of their business plans. The launch of this portfolio guarantee scheme is to help the smaller businesses gain Quick, Easy and Convenient financial assistance to grow their businesses, explained Steve Miller, Head of Business Banking, Alliance Bank.

“Having witnessed the success of our first portfolio guarantee with CGC via our Small Biz Express Scheme, we felt it is timely to enhance the programme and explore its potential to serve the SME community better, said Miller.

“The SME segment remains a core focus for Alliance Bank and we take great initiatives in providing SMEs with the necessary support needed to growth their businesses. In line with our vision to be “The Best SME Bank in Malaysia, the Bank has further enhanced our relationship management model and has recently introduced innovative financial products for the SME segment such as the MyBusiness Platinum Card and the BizSmart Onling Banking. In addition to the Bankís complete suite of product offerings for businesses of all sizes, exclusive business seminars have been scheduled for Alliance Bank SME customers to continuously assist them in growing their businesses to greater heights. Miller further elaborated.

“CGC has always been committed towards innovation not only in enhancing access to financing but also in addressing the main issues faced by these SMEs who generally lack collaterals and credit track record, said CGCís Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad. The portfolio guarantee scheme essentially provides these SMEs an avenue to strengthen their credit worthiness and also build a credible track record which in the longer term would enable them to negotiate for larger facilities on a favorable term.

“With pre-determined eligibility criteria, CGC has been able to provide approvals within three days upon receipt of the application from the participating financial institutions. The current approval rate is almost 90%, which is relatively higher compared with our other schemes due to the efficiency of the process flow, said Datuk Wan Azhar .

“With Alliance Bank on board, we are looking forward to leveraging on their SME experience and wider network to further enhance and speed up SMEís access to financing, added Datuk Wan Azhar.

He further explained that about 2,700 SMEs have benefitted from CGCís strategic partnership on portfolio guarantee with five financial institutions since 2009.

“With five financial institutions already on board, we are optimistic that there will be keen interest now from other financial institutions on our portfolio guarantee resulting in greater access to financing for the viable and deserving SMEs, added Datuk Wan Azhar.

SMEs wishing to gain more information on the portfolio guarantee may call CGCís Client Service Centre at 03-78800088 or Alliance Bankís Customer Service Centre at 03-5516 9988, or visit the nearest Alliance Bankís branch.

— END –

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18th Top SME Supporter Awards Ceremony

18th Top SME Supporter Awards ceremony
Press Release

7 May 2013

CGC Honours three Leading Banks for SME Financing

Petaling Jaya, 7 May – Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) today honoured three leading financial institutions for their significant contributions towards SME financing in 2012. The awards were presented by CGC’s Chairman, Dato’ Sri Abdul Hamidy Abdul Hafiz at its 18th Top SME Supporter Awards ceremony held at CGC’s headquarters in Petaling Jaya.

The winners of CGC’s Top SME Supporter Award under the commercial banks category were Maybank, Public Bank and Standard Chartered Bank. The Top Bumiputera SME Supporter Award, which recognises financial institutions that had contributed the most financing to Bumiputera entrepreneurs was won by Maybank. CGC had also bestowed the coveted Best Financial Partner Award to Maybank in recognition of the commendable efforts and contribution towards its asset quality.

Overall, Maybank has won three awards namely the Top SME Supporter, Top Bumiputera SME Supporter and the Best Financial Partner. In terms of contribution to loans growth, Maybank contributed 11.3% of the RM1.1 billion loans guaranteed by CGC in 2012 with all award recipients accounting for 25%.

The award recipients were selected based on a set of criteria determined by CGC which include amongst others, the number and value of loans guaranteed, loans growth as well as net income growth and rate of default. To date, 23 commercial and Islamic banks as well as development financial institutions have received CGC’s Top SME Supporter awards since it was first introduced in 1996.

“The contribution of our banking partners has had a great impact on our SME outreach as we were able to leverage on their extensive branch network to serve many of the marginal but potentially bankable SMEs with viable business across all sectors,” said CGC’s Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

Datuk Wan Azhar added further that CGC had forged new alliances with banking partners to offer innovative financing options and delivery channels to enhance SMEs access to financing. “We have forged strategic alliances with five banks to offer our innovative portfolio guarantee scheme that has proven to be a cost-effective and efficient delivery system as the turnaround time is faster with approval rate of nearly 90%.”

Currently, five banks namely Standard Chartered, Public Bank, OCBC Bank, RHB Bank and Alliance Bank are active participants in CGC’s portfolio guarantee scheme. To date, CGC has offered about RM700 million of financing to more than 2,700 SMEs since inception of this scheme in 2009.

“Besides improving our products and delivery system, we are also assisting the SMEs to establish a credit history and track record to improve on their bankability for greater financial access.” added Datuk Wan Azhar. “With credit ratings, SMEs are able to obtain funds based on their own merit, an ultimate strategic outcome for CGC as it could focus more on marginal and potentially viable SMEs. As at 2012, about 36% (110,000) of our borrowers have ëgraduated’ successfully from the guarantee schemes.”

In 2012, about 63% of the loans guaranteed by CGC were availed through two of its main schemes namely the Credit Enhancer Scheme (ENHANCER) and Direct Access Guarantee Scheme (DAGS) and through the .Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS), a government funded scheme which has a fund allocation of RM3.5 billion. As at April 2013, CGC had approved 71 applications under GTFS valued close to RM900 million.

Datuk Wan Azhar also stressed that there has been a significant increase in the quality of loans based on its provision for claims on loans guaranteed in 2012. “This is primarily due to improved management of our loan quality which included several proactive and preemptive measures we have undertaken to address potentially delinquent loans, as well as the assistance on loan restructuring and rescheduling of repayments extended to distressed borrowers.”

About CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) was established on July 5, 1972. Current shareholders are Bank Negara Malaysia (major shareholder) and all commercial banks. CGC has 16 branches nationwide which were established since year 2000. The core business focus of CGC is to assist SMEs, especially those without or with inadequate collateral and track record to obtain credit facilities from financial institutions by providing guarantee cover on such facilities. To date, CGC has been instrumental in the establishment of more than 420,000 SMEs, guaranteeing close to RM51.4 billion.

For media enquiries:

V. Kumaran

Head, Corporate Communications

Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232

HP: 016-638-1747

E-mail: [email protected]

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CGC Honours three leading banks for SME financing

Petaling Jaya, 7 May – Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) today honoured three leading financial institutions for their significant contributions towards SME financing in 2012. The awards were presented by CGC’s Chairman, Dato’ Sri Abdul Hamidy Abdul Hafiz at its 18th Top SME Supporter Awards ceremony held at CGC’s headquarters in Petaling Jaya.

The winners of CGC’s Top SME Supporter Award under the commercial banks category were Maybank, Public Bank and Standard Chartered Bank. The Top Bumiputera SME Supporter Award, which recognises financial institutions that had contributed the most financing to Bumiputera entrepreneurs was won by Maybank. CGC had also bestowed the coveted Best Financial Partner Award to Maybank in recognition of the commendable efforts and contribution towards its asset quality.

Overall, Maybank has won three awards namely the Top SME Supporter, Top Bumiputera SME Supporter and the Best Financial Partner. In terms of contribution to loans growth, Maybank contributed 11.3% of the RM1.1 billion loans guaranteed by CGC in 2012 with all award recipients accounting for 25%. The award recipients were selected based on a set of criteria determined by CGC which include amongst others, the number and value of loans guaranteed, loans growth as well as net income growth and rate of default. To date, 23 commercial and Islamic banks as well as development financial institutions have received CGC’s Top SME Supporter awards since it was first introduced in 1996.

“The contribution of our banking partners has had a great impact on our SME outreach as we were able to leverage on their extensive branch network to serve many of the marginal but potentially bankable SMEs with viable business across all sectors,” said CGC’s Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

Datuk Wan Azhar added further that CGC had forged new alliances with banking partners to offer innovative financing options and delivery channels to enhance SMEs access to financing. “”We have forged strategic alliances with five banks to offer our innovative portfolio guarantee scheme that has proven to be a cost-effective and efficient delivery system as the turnaround time is faster with approval rate of nearly 90%.”

Currently, five banks namely Standard Chartered, Public Bank, OCBC Bank, RHB Bank and Alliance Bank are active participants in CGC’s portfolio guarantee scheme. To date, CGC has offered about RM700 million of financing to more than 2,700 SMEs since inception of this scheme in 2009.

“Besides improving our products and delivery system, we are also assisting the SMEs to establish a credit history and track record to improve on their bankability for greater financial access.” added Datuk Wan Azhar. “With credit ratings, SMEs are able to obtain funds based on their own merit, an ultimate strategic outcome for CGC as it could focus more on marginal and potentially viable SMEs. As at 2012, about 36% (110,000) of our borrowers have ‘graduated’ successfully from the guarantee schemes.”

In 2012, about 63% of the loans guaranteed by CGC were availed through two of its main schemes namely the Credit Enhancer Scheme (ENHANCER) and Direct Access Guarantee Scheme (DAGS) and through the .Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS), a government funded scheme which has a fund allocation of RM3.5 billion. As at April 2013, CGC had approved 71 applications under GTFS valued close to RM900 million.

Datuk Wan Azhar also stressed that there has been a significant increase in the quality of loans based on its provision for claims on loans guaranteed in 2012. “This is primarily due to improved management of our loan quality which included several proactive and preemptive measures we have undertaken to address potentially delinquent loans, as well as the assistance on loan restructuring and rescheduling of repayments extended to distressed borrowers.”

About CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) was established on July 5, 1972. Current shareholders are Bank Negara Malaysia (major shareholder) and all commercial banks. CGC has 16 branches nationwide which were established since year 2000. The core business focus of CGC is to assist SMEs, especially those without or with inadequate collateral and track record to obtain credit facilities from financial institutions by providing guarantee cover on such facilities. To date, CGC has been instrumental in the establishment of more than 420,000 SMEs, guaranteeing close to RM51.4 billion.

For media enquiries:

V. Kumaran
Head, Corporate Communications
Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232
HP: 016-638-1747
E-mail: [email protected]

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Alliance Bank and CGC partners to enhance access to financing for smaller SMEs

Kuala Lumpur, 13 March – Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad (Alliance Bank) today signed an agreement with Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) to provide easier access to financing for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on a portfolio guarantee basis.

Starting with an initial tranche size of RM50 million, the portfolio guarantee aims to assist the small businesses by providing loans for working capital as well as asset acquisition. CGC, a leading credit guarantee provider in the country, will be providing 70% guarantee cover of the approved total principal amount undertaken by SMEs and will assist to verify the credibility of the applicants in consultation with Alliance Bank.

The minimum loan quantum under this portfolio guarantee is RM100,000 and the maximum RM300,000 per SME customer at a fixed loan tenor of five years. Applications may be made at any Alliance Bank branch nationwide.

“Based on our interaction with the SME community, we understand that in a competitive business environment, timing is vital to any SME. Businesses have to continuously evolve and adapt to the ever changing business demands and can no longer delay the implementation of their business plans. The launch of this portfolio guarantee scheme is to help the smaller businesses gain Quick, Easy and Convenient financial assistance to grow their businesses,”” explained Steve Miller, Head of Business Banking, Alliance Bank.

“Having witnessed the success of our first portfolio guarantee with CGC via our Small Biz Express Scheme, we felt it is timely to enhance the programme and explore its potential to serve the SME community better,” said Miller.

“The SME segment remains a core focus for Alliance Bank and we take great initiatives in providing SMEs with the necessary support needed to growth their businesses. In line with our vision to be “”The Best SME Bank in Malaysia”, the Bank has further enhanced our relationship management model and has recently introduced innovative financial products for the SME segment such as the MyBusiness Platinum Card and the BizSmart Onling Banking. In addition to the Bank’s complete suite of product offerings for businesses of all sizes, exclusive business seminars have been scheduled for Alliance Bank SME customers to continuously assist them in growing their businesses to greater heights.” Miller further elaborated.

“CGC has always been committed towards innovation not only in enhancing access to financing but also in addressing the main issues faced by these SMEs who generally lack collaterals and credit track record, “”said CGC’s Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad. “The portfolio guarantee scheme essentially provides these SMEs an avenue to strengthen their credit worthiness and also build a credible track record which in the longer term would enable them to negotiate for larger facilities on a favorable term.”

“With pre-determined eligibility criteria, CGC has been able to provide approvals within three days upon receipt of the application from the participating financial institutions. The current approval rate is almost 90%, which is relatively higher compared with our other schemes due to the efficiency of the process flow,”” said Datuk Wan Azhar .

“With Alliance Bank on board, we are looking forward to leveraging on their SME experience and wider network to further enhance and speed up SME’s access to financing,”” added Datuk Wan Azhar.

He further explained that about 2,700 SMEs have benefitted from CGC’s strategic partnership on portfolio guarantee with five financial institutions since 2009.

“With five financial institutions already on board, we are optimistic that there will be keen interest now from other financial institutions on our portfolio guarantee resulting in greater access to financing for the viable and deserving SMEs,” added Datuk Wan Azhar.

SMEs wishing to gain more information on the portfolio guarantee may call CGC’s Client Service Centre at 03-78800088 or Alliance Bank’s Customer Service Centre at 03-5516 9988, or visit the nearest Alliance Bank’s branch.

About Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad

Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad is a dynamic, integrated banking group offering end-to-end banking and financial solutions through its consumer banking, business banking, Islamic banking, investment banking and stock broking businesses as well as unit trust and asset management, having served the financial community over the past five decades.

The banking group is involved in the provision of financial services through its principal subsidiaries, Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad, Alliance Investment Bank Berhad, Alliance Investment Management Berhad and Alliance Islamic Bank Berhad. It provides easy access to its broad base of customers throughout the country via multi-pronged delivery channels which include retail branches, Privilege Banking Centres, Islamic Banking Centres, Business Centres, Investment Bank branches, direct marketing offices and unit trust agent offices located nationwide, as well as mobile and Internet banking.

About CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) was established on July 5, 1972. Current shareholders are Bank Negara Malaysia (major shareholder) and commercial banks. The core business focus of CGC is to assist SMEs, especially those without or with inadequate collateral and track record to obtain credit facilities from financial institutions by providing guarantee cover on such facilities. CGC has cumulatively guaranteed more than 420,000 loans valued at close to RM51 billion since its establishment.

For media enquiries:

V. Kumaran
Head, Corporate Communications , CGC
Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232
HP: 016-638-1747
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Agnes Ong
Assistant Vice President
Group Communications
Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad
Tel: 03-2604-3378 / 012-672-4245
Email: [email protected]

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Top SMI Supporter Award 2009

CGC recognises Banks

for their contribution to SME Financing

Petaling Jaya, 1 June ñ Four leading commercial banks and one Islamic bank were awarded the Top SMI Supporter Award in recognition of their significant financing of the SME sector in 2009 through Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhadís (CGC) credit guarantee schemes. The awards were presented by Bank Negara Malaysiaís Deputy Governor-cum-CGCís Chairman Datoí Zamani Abdul Ghani at the Top SMI Supporter Award presentation ceremony held in conjunction with CGCís 37th Annual General Meeting on 1 June 2010.

The recipients of CGCís Top SMI Supporter Award for 2009 were Maybank, Public Bank, RHB Bank and CIMB Bank under the Commercial Banks category while Bank Islam was recognised under the Islamic Bank category. Maybank also won the coveted Best Financial Partner award that recognises the bank that contributed the most towards CGCís quality assets.

The award recipients, who were selected based on a set of criteria determined by the Corporation which include, amongst others, the number and value of loans guaranteed, loans growth as well as number and value of loans to Bumiputera borrowers, contributed 51% of the total loans guaranteed by CGC during 2009.

ìTheir active participation in CGCís guarantee schemes augurs well for the CGC-banksí partnership in SME development and for the SMEs in terms of their access to financing,î said Datoí Zamani Abdul Ghani.

In 2009, CGC guaranteed a total of RM3.1 billion to more than 14,000 SMEs.

ìConsidering that a large cross section of the SMEs faced difficulties sustaining their business operations due to the economic downturn and weak domestic demand in 2009, CGC focused on improving SMEs access to financing, speedier processing and disbursement of loans as well as reasonable cost of borrowing. This resulted in 35% increase in SME outreach, increasing from 8,500 SMEs in 2008 to more than 14,000 SMEs in 2009,î added Datoí Zamani.

He also added that CGC actively participated in Bank Negara Malaysia-initiated SME Assistance Guarantee Scheme, a RM2 billion fund launched in January 2009 to assist SMEs that faced difficulties in gaining access to financing. As at end December 2009, it had guaranteed a total of 8,955 SMEs valued at RM1.8 billion.

The Corporation had also implemented a revised pricing structure for its guarantee schemes with the support of the participating financial institutions. ìThis is to ensure that borrowers enjoy a more equitable interest/profit rates for financing which are ëcollateralisedí in the form of guarantees from the Corporation,î added Datoí Zamani. ìGreater focus is also being given to developing products that facilitate faster turnaround time and disbursement of loans.î

Datoí Zamani also called for greater participation from the financial institutions in the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) that was launched by the Government in January 2010 with a fund allocation of RM1.5 billion. CGC is one of the two implementation agencies appointed by the Government to manage the financing scheme that provides funding to users and suppliers of green technology. CGC provides 60% guarantee cover or RM900 million of total GTFS financing.

ìThe active participation of financial institutions is critical for the success of the Green Technology Financing Scheme,î stressed Datoí Zamani.

01-Jun-2010 18:54:40 PM

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CGC step up efforts to promote GTFS

CGC step up efforts to promote Green Technology Financing Scheme

Kuala Lumpur, Wed – Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) today announced that it was in partnership with CIMB Bank to promote the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) to producers and users of this environmental friendly technology.

CGC, one of the two implementation agencies, is spearheading the marketing and promotion of GTFS including forging strategic alliance with CIMB Bank. CIMB Bank, the second biggest lender based on asset, is willing to provide up to RM150 million in financing for the GTFS. Meanwhile, CGC is committed to a three-day turnaround time to process GTFS applications received from CIMB Bank.

ìWe are confident that this three-day turnaround commitment would help to further expedite the approval and disbursement of the funds to borrowers, a special arrangement that we have made with CIMB Bank in view of their participation in supporting the GTFS, the first bank to do so in Malaysia,î said CGCís Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad..

ìCIMB Bank’s participation in this scheme demonstrates the bankís confidence in the potential of this relatively new sector,î added Datuk Wan Azhar.

CGC, the leading credit guarantee provider, has been mandated to provide 60% guarantee to borrowers of GTFS, effectively covering RM900 million out of the total RM1.5 billion established by the Government to improve the supply and utilisation of green technology. The remaining 40% financing risk shall be borne by the participating financial institutions (PFIs).

The producers of green technology can avail financing of up to RM50 million whereas users, a maximum of RM10 million. The financing tenure is up to 15 years and 10 years for producers and users respectively.

Borrowers are charged an annual guarantee fee of 0.5% for GTFS, a small percentage compared to fees charged for other CGC schemes that are calculated based on the risk-profile of the borrower. In addition, the cost of borrowing is cushioned by the 2% interest/profit rate subsidy provided by the government.

CGC has been stepping up its promotional efforts to create awareness of the huge potential in this sector through its participation in various exhibitions and seminars organised by trade associations and business chambers nationwide.

ìSoon we will be running an advertising campaign to further increase awareness of the Scheme not only amongst the producers and users but also amongst the general public with the objective of enlightening them on the impact of green technology on the environment and the general well-being of the Malaysian populace,î said Datuk Wan Azhar.

The response to the GTFS is very encouraging with more than 470 companies having registered with the National Green Technology Centre and enquired how to avail the Green Technology Financing Scheme.

ìWe hope the willingness shown by CIMB Bank will encourage other financial institutions to come forward and aggressively participate in the Scheme within the shortest possible time,î added Datuk Wan Azhar.

The Scheme, officially launched by the Prime Minister YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on 26 January 2010, is expected to provide benefits to more than 140 companies within the next two to three years. The GTFS was rolled out effective 1 January 2010.

05-Apr-2010 09:29:54 AM

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CGC & SCB Launch Portfolio Guarantee for Women Entrepreneurs

PRESS RELEASE For immediate release   Credit Guarantee Corporation and Standard Chartered Malaysia LAUNCH New Financing Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs   Target disbursement of RM100 million in the next 18 months     Kuala Lumpur, 22 October 2009 ñ Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) and Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad (Standard Chartered Malaysia) have collaborated to offer yet another initiative for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) ñ the Portfolio Guarantee Scheme for women entrepreneurs. Through the Scheme, the institutions aim to disburse RM100 million in the next 18 months to enable women entrepreneurs to accelerate participation in the economic development.   First in Malaysia, the Scheme for women entrepreneurs offers swift financial access and the opportunity to boost business competitiveness. Women are emerging as a significant economic force in Malaysia and progressively venturing into SMEs. According to a research, there are close to 83,000 woman-owned enterprises, mainly in services, manufacturing and agriculture sectors, and the numbers are expected to increase.   Commenting on this new initiative, CGCís Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad said, ìWith increasing participation of women in the business sector, not only the demand for financing will see an increase but also quicker disbursement of funds. We hope to address these issues through our strategic alliance with Standard Chartered Malaysia, offering a new source of financing for women entrepreneurs and at a much faster rate as the customers eligible for this Scheme are pre-selected based on certain criteria.î   ìWe have been in support of woman-owned enterprises which make up 16 per cent of the SMEs in the country. To date, we have guaranteed close to RM3.7 billion to more than 9,500 women in SMEs,î added Datuk Wan Azhar.   Tiew Siew Chuen, Country Head of Consumer Banking, Standard Chartered Malaysia said, ì99 per cent of business establishments in Malaysia are SMEs. This sector remains a major engine of the countryís economic recovery and we will continue to facilitate and support the growth of SMEs. With women entrepreneurs increasing in the country, we are pleased to offer a special scheme for them in partnership with CGC.î   The Scheme for women entrepreneurs offers a term financing facility, range between RM100,000 and RM500,000, which provides working capital and financing of SME asset acquisitions. CGC will act as the guarantor, offering partial guarantee cover to the loan. The Scheme is made available to women whose businesses have been operating for a minimum of five years and are seeking to expand.   The Scheme also comes with additional benefits such as one-year free insurance coverage of up to RM100,000 against female-related illnesses for the first 100 successful customers and corporate current accounts which yield high interest rates.   Standard Chartered Malaysia will also sponsor the first three women customers to attend the Global Banking Alliance for Women (GBA) Conference in Singapore from 29 to 30 October 2009. The GBA is a coalition of financial institutions whose network provides in-depth access to knowledge, resources, access to capital and market programmes for women SMEs growth and sustainability. These financial institutions are recognised as the ìbank of choice for womenî in their respective markets.   Encouraged by the response of the first Portfolio Guarantee Scheme introduced in April this year, CGC is looking at partnering with more financial institutions in the near future. CGC believes that the initiative complements the Governmentís efforts to support SMEs as it not only creates a new avenue to gain access to financing but also improves turnaround time in terms of approval and disbursement of loans. For media enquiries, please contact: V. Kumaran Head, Corporate Communications Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad Tel: 03-78062300 (ext. 232) [email protected] 23-Oct-2009 10:07:45 AM

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CGC Appoints Deutsche Bank to Provide Advisory Services

Joint Press Statement by

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad

And Deutsche Bank

Petaling Jaya, 16 July: Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) today announced it has appointed Deutsche Bank AG Singapore Branch to provide advisory and risk management services to CGC. The agreement includes the implementation of a unique credit risk management system that will help CGC more efficiently process loan guarantee applications and manage credit risk.

Known as the Comprehensive Approval System (COMPAS), the web-based system will help CGC better manage the varying levels of risk associated with the guarantees it issues, streamline approval processes and manage balance sheet risk. COMPAS achieves this by using unique criteria to assign loan applications with an internal credit rating, allowing them to be automatically processed or evaluated further by the Management.

With increased processing and better risk management capabilities, customers are expected to enjoy faster turnaround time and disbursement of loans. In addition, the implementation of this robust credit rating system will enable CGC to improve its accuracy in terms of risk profile identification and consequently benefit deserving customers who could potentially enjoy the competitive guarantee fees that come with better credit ratings.

COMPAS also enables CGC to enhance its management of loan quality.

ìWith increasing focus on customer service level, turnaround time and loan quality, it is critical for CGC to review its existing risk rating model and implement a more robust and dynamic one such as the COMPAS system that incorporates new risk parameters. This new initiative combined with the SME Credit Bureauís ratings on SMEs would enable CGC to determine the credit risk of borrowers with greater accuracy and thereby allowing us to effectively structure the guarantee fees based on the credit risk of SMEs and borrowers,î said CGCís Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

Datuk Wan Azhar further stressed that the review of its risk rating model is part of CGCís overall efforts to improve its loans quality as well as to better serve the SMEs who form 99.2% of total business establishments and contribute 32% of the countryís gross domestic product.

Wolfgang Topp, Head of Risk Management Advisory at Deutsche Bank said: ìCOMPAS provides an excellent means for CGC to streamline its loan processing and potentially lower processing costs, while improving overall risk management and enhancing credit quality. Used in conjunction with Deutsche Bankís risk advisory services, COMPAS is a powerful tool which can enable CGC to maximise risk efficiencies and increase the quality of assets it holds on its balance sheet.î

The platform is an integral part of Deutsche Bankís integrated risk management advisory service, which is designed to support banks and financial institutions price, manage and distribute balance sheet risk and improve lending systems.

With Deutsche Bankís proven credit rating system and their wide experience as a provider of advisory and risk management services, CGC is confident that it will enhance its support to the SME sector in efforts to sustain the growth of this vital segment of the economy.

27-Jul-2009 18:43:57 PM

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CGC Organises Training Sessions for SMEs

1 July 2009



Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) will be organising a two-part training session that are specially designed to assist SMEs cope with the business challenges they are facing currently as a result of the economic slowdown.

The first training session titled ëGetting The Bank to Say ëYesí to your Loan Restructuringí presents a unique interactive learning experience for SMEs who will be able to learn more about how to deal with the banking institutions especially in presenting their case for restructuring and repayment period of their existing loan facility.

The second session titled ëManaging Your Cash Flow & Collections In Time of Business Uncertaintyí shall provide SMEs the opportunity to learn how to manage their cash flows especially collection of debts on a timely basis, persuading customers to pay on time and how to conduct effective field visitations before deciding on payment arrangement, amongst others.

The training sessions form part of CGCís ongoing efforts to assist SMEs cope with this difficult time and to sustain their businesses besides providing restructuring options and business advisory services.

The training sessions will be conducted in collaboration with SBF-Integrated Business Centre Sdn Bhd, an established company specialising in entrepreneur development and training programs. The training sessions will take place on 9th and 10th July 2009 respectively at Bangunan CGC, Kelana Jaya, Selangor from 9am to 5pm.

Interested participants are encouraged to contact CGCís Marketing & Promotions Department (Puan Norhafiza Othman) at 03-7806 2300 (ext. 480) for more information.

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14th CGC Top SMI Supporter Award - Press Release

Press Release (For Immediate Publication or Broadcast) 21 May 2009     Financial Institutionsí Contribution to SME Development Recognised By CGC     Petaling Jaya, 21 May ñ Eight leading financial institutions were honoured today for their support and significant contribution towards SME development in 2008 by Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) at its Top SMI Supporter Award Presentation ceremony. The event, held in conjunction with CGCís 36th Annual General Meeting, was officiated by Datoí Zamani Abdul Ghani, CGCís Chairman and Deputy Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia.   The recipients of the Top SMI Supporter Awards for 2008 were Maybank, Public Bank, CIMB and RHB Bank under the Commercial Banks category; EONCAP Islamic Bank under the Islamic Banks category; Agrobank under the Development Financial Institutions (DFI) category; and OCBC Bank under the Foreign-owned Banks category. The eight award recipients contributed a total of RM2.2 billion, representing 74% of the total loans guaranteed to SMEs by CGC in 2008.   Maybank was also accorded the coveted Best Financial Partner Award in recognition of their commendable efforts and contribution towards CGCís quality assets.   CGC Chairman, Datoí Zamani Abdul Ghani said in his speech that the active participation and continued support of the financial partners has enabled the Corporation to stamp its mark in SME development through the provision of easier access and more affordable financing for business growth and expansion.   ìThese awards not only recognise the contributions of the participating financial institutions to loans growth but also to quality asset. These two conditions, i.e. participation and asset quality, are critical for both parties, especially to the Corporation as it gears itself to be more commercially-driven and achieve financial sustainability,î said Datoí Zamani.   The award recipients were selected based on a set of criteria determined by the Corporation which includes number and value of loans guaranteed, loans growth and number and value of loans to Bumiputera borrowers amongst others.   Speaking to reporters at a press conference after the ceremony, CGCís Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad said the contribution by the financial institutions to SME financing had been encouraging despite the challenges that emerged in 2008.   ìIn general, the financial institutions have maintained strong commitment and support to SME financing via their participation in our guarantee schemes,î added Datuk Wan Azhar.   He said that CGC will continue to strengthen its alliances with financial partners to further expand its SME outreach and support viable businesses to tide over the difficult times while assisting new ones to grow.   CGC remains actively involved in Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)-initiated funds such as the SME Assistance Guarantee Scheme, a RM2 billion launched in January 2009 to assist SMEs facing difficulties during the current economic crisis. As at mid-May, it had guaranteed a total of 1,783 accounts valued at RM369.6 million.   In 2008, CGC participated in two other BNM-initiated funds namely the SME Assistance Facility and the SME Modernisation Facility. The RM1.2 billion facilities were established to help SMEs continue business operations with funds for working capital and project financing as well as to modernise operations through the purchase or upgrading of energy-saving machineries and equipment. As at end March 2009, about 4,928 SMEs had benefited from these Facilities, with a total loan value of RM1.08 billion. In 2008, CGC extended credit guarantees to 10,368 accounts valued at RM3.01 billion.     For media enquiries:   V. Kumaran Head, Corporate Communications Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232 E-mail: [email protected] 09-Jun-2009 12:46:51 PM

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14th CGC Top SMI Supporter Award - Chairman's Speech

Speech by Y.Bhg. Datoí Zamani Abdul Ghani Chairman, Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad at the 14th Top SMI Supporter Award Presentation Ceremony 21 May 2009   Bismillahirrahmanirrahim   Fellow members of the Board of Directors of CGC   Distinguished Guests   Members of the media   Ladies and Gentlemen,   Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and a very good morning.     On behalf of the Board of Directors and Management of Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC), I would like to extend our warmest welcome to all of you to the Top SMI Supporter Awards Presentation ceremony this morning. The event is organised in conjunction with the Corporationís 36th AGM which was successfully concluded earlier this morning. As you are aware, the Top SMI Supporter Award ceremony is one of the most important events in our corporate calendar. On this day, we officially recognise and express our appreciation to our financial partners in SME development for their active participation in the Corporationís credit guarantee schemes. This is the 14th edition in its series. I am pleased to note that SME outreach is gaining strength each year with the support of participating financial institutions who value the significance of the award in the context of SME development in the country. We are honoured to have accorded these awards to 19 financial institutions since its introduction in 1996.   Ladies and gentlemen,   2. This year, 2009, the Corporation will be turning 37 years old. We believe CGC has achieved significant success as a credit enhancer to SMEs in the country. It has enabled the operation of more than 390,000 SMEs by guaranteeing loans close to RM42 billion to date. This is surely a feat for an institution that started in a small way in 1972, supporting enterprises in the agricultural, commercial and industrial sectors, with individual loans ranging from RM5,000 to RM75,000. We have progressed in tandem with the development of the nation that increasingly became more industrialised and diversified. Our target groups expanded to include medium-sized businesses, and guaranteeing loans from as low as RM10,000 to as high as RM10 million.   3. We acknowledge that we could not have accomplished the above without the active participation and continued support of the financial partners in our guarantee schemes. The confidence and commitment of these financial partners has enabled the Corporation to stamp its mark in SME development, through the provision of easier access and more affordable financing for business growth and expansion. In 2008, for example, the Corporation extended loan guarantees of more than RM3 billion, benefiting close to 10,400 SMEs. About 74% of the loans guaranteed was contributed by the seven award recipients today. In view of their significant contributions and to further encourage them to continue participating actively in our schemes, we shall be according them the Top SMI Supporter and Best Financial Partner awards. These awards not only recognise the contributions of the participating financial institutions to loans growth but also to asset quality. These two contributions, i.e. participation and asset quality, are critical for both parties, especially to the Corporation as it gears itself to be more commercially-driven and achieve financial sustainability.   Ladies and gentlemen,   4. The forecast for the year ahead is that of one that will be full of challenges. It is, therefore, imperative for the government-private sector collaboration to be accelerated in order to address some of the pertinent concerns of the SMEs. This is especially so in the pace of loan approvals, in ensuring a more efficient and speedier credit flows to SMEs without compromising prudential requirements. To resolve this, the Corporation and its financial partners have to iron out whatever stumbling blocks there are in the processing pipeline and explore innovative ways through which funds could be disbursed more effectively and speedily to deserving customers. In this respect, the Corporation has recently established a strategic alliance with one of its financial partners to provide guarantee on a portfolio basis. A general improvement of administrative efficiency is noted with the use of an automated mechanism. Borrowers no longer have to go through the routine administrative procedures to get their applications processed as the guarantee cover provided is automatic upon approval by the financial institution. This model provides the most effective delivery channel and, moving forward, we are optimistic of entering into such partnerships with more financial institutions in the near future.   5. The Corporation has also adopted pragmatic approaches in the implementation of its business strategies, which are all aimed at being more customer-centric and providing greater value to the borrowers. The Corporation has been forthcoming in terms of ensuring credit lines remained open to the SMEs by participating actively in the Bank Negara Malaysia-initiated funds, the most recent is the SME Assistance Guarantee Scheme. As at mid-May, a total of 1,544 accounts valued at RM312 million has been approved. These initiatives come at a critical time when the business community struggles to survive the current economic slowdown.   Ladies and gentlemen,   6. Looking back into 2008, it is certainly noteworthy that the financial institutions have contributed significantly to SME financing, accounting for 42.3% of total business financing as at end 2008. To the Corporation, their contributions were substantial and we are indeed grateful for having received their fullest support and cooperation. As a matter of fact, we have seen increased participation from both commercial banks and development financial institutions in our credit guarantee schemes in recent years. Several foreign-owned banks too have been quite robust in their support of the SMEs.   7. In view of this positive development, we have concluded that there need to be a level playing field for all financial institutions to compete for the Corporationís Top SMI Supporter Award. Thus, we would like to announce that beginning 2009, we will no longer have the Top Foreign-Owned Bank and Development Financial Institutions as separate award categories. We are confident that this move would allow the institutions to compete on level terms and indirectly promote healthy competition amongst them. Most importantly, for us, it is a step forward to ensure the financial institutions are motivated to participate in our guarantee schemes and contribute to SME development.   8. We are pleased to announce that, for this edition of the Top SMI Supporter Awards, a total of seven financial institutions shall be accorded the honour for having fulfilled the criteria set by the Corporation. These criteria include number and value of loans guaranteed, loans growth and the number and value of loans to Bumiputera borrowers. Besides, we also have the Best Financial Partner Award category that recognises the financial institution that has contributed the most towards the asset quality in CGC.   Friends and Colleagues,   9. On behalf of the Corporation, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all award recipients. It is our hope that these awards will foster a higher level of competition and inspire other financial institutions to play a bigger role in SME development and be a catalyst for economic growth by participating actively in the Corporationís credit guarantee schemes. Deserving and viable SMEs need our support to sustain their businesses during this critical period. The Government too requires our commitment and cooperation to help it stimulate the economy, all for the benefit of our citizens.   Thank you and have a pleasant day. 09-Jun-2009 12:44:16 PM

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CGC & Standard Chartered Sign Portfolio Guarantee Agreement

Press Release

For immediate release

Credit Guarantee Corporation and Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Sign Portfolio Guarantee Agreement

Kuala Lumpur, 7 April – Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) and Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad (Standard Chartered) has entered into a partnership agreement that would enable SCB to extend financial assistance to SMEs via the Portfolio Guarantee.

The agreement was signed by CGCís Managing Director, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad and Standard Charteredís Chief Executive Officer, Mr Julian Wynter at a signing ceremony held today in Kuala Lumpur. The ceremony was witnessed by Datoí Zamani Abdul Ghani, Deputy Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, who is also CGCís Chairman.

The Portfolio Guarantee Agreement, the first agreement of its kind to be signed in the financial industry, would enable SMEs not only to enjoy a new avenue to gain access to financing but also improved turnaround time in terms of approval and disbursement of loans.

Speaking to the media at the signing ceremony, CGCís Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad said: ìThrough this arrangement, designed for Standard Charteredís SMEs loans, we hope to deliver speedier application processing time as the customers eligible for this portfolio guarantee are pre-selected based on certain criteria.î

He also added that this initiative is in line with the call of the government for greater government-private sector collaboration to drive economic growth.

ìCGC and Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia have an important role in helping to stimulate economic growth, and supporting viable SMEs to sustain their businesses is the way to go at this crucial period,î he said.

Julian Wynter, Managing Director and CEO of Standard Chartered Malaysia, ìSMEs will be the engine of any global economic recovery. Yet, worldwide they are struggling to survive as flight away from risk affects credit flows. It is critical that governments, banks and public agencies, collaborate to avert consistent and wide-scale failure of this sector.

ìAs a bank, we recognise our role in the equation. This Portfolio Guarantee partnership with CGC sees Standard Chartered leading the way in supporting SME potential. By enabling working capital financing to small businesses, we demonstrate our promise to be their right partner through both bull and bear times.î

Through the Portfolio Guarantee, a facility of RM50 million shall be made available to the SMEs in the first tranche and eventually up to RM300 million in subsequent tranches. The Portfolio Guarantee, a term loan facility, offers a loan range of between RM100,000 to RM500,000 and is designed with the primary objective of providing working capital and asset acquisition to SMEs.

With Standard Chartered on board, CGC hopes to see more such opportunities with other financial institutions to further enhance its support to the SME sector in efforts to sustain the growth of this key component of the economy.

For media enquiries, please contact:

V. Kumaran

Head, Corporate Communications

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad

Tel: 03-78062300 (ext. 232)

[email protected]

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13th Top SMI Supporter Award Presentation

13th Top SMI Supporter Award Presentation Press Release
Petaling Jaya, 9 June 2008 ñ Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) presented the Top SMI Supporter awards to seven financial institutions in recognition of their commitment and valuable contribution towards SME development. The awards were presented by CGCís Chairman, Datoí Zamani Abdul Ghani during the 13th edition of the Top SMI Supporter Award ceremony held at CGCís headquarters in Petaling Jaya.

The ceremony, held in conjunction with the Corporationís 35th Annual General Meeting, witnessed the presentation of Top SMI Supporter Awards under four different categories – Commercial Banks, Islamic Banks and Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) as well as the Best Financial Partner. The Top SMI Supporter Award for commercial banks was introduced in 1996 whereas the Islamic Banks, Development Financial Institutionsí and the Best Financial Partner awards categories were introduced for the first time in 2008.

The Islamic Banks and Development Financial Institutionsí (DFIs) categories were introduced to encourage these new entities to be more competitive in the Corporationís credit guarantee schemes. Both these categories of institutions came on board in 2007, following the signing of memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Corporation.

The Best Financial Partner Award, on the other hand, recognizes the institution that has not only contributed significantly to the Corporationís loans growth but also contributed substantially towards quality assets.

The Top SMI Supporter Awards were presented to Maybank, OCBC Bank, RHB Bank, CIMB Bank and Public Bank under the commercial bank category while EONCAP Islamic Bank and SME Bank for the Islamic bank and development financial institution categories respectively. The recipient of the Best Financial Partner award was CIMB Bank.

The selection of award recipients is based on the fulfillment of several criteria determined by the Corporation. Among others, the criteria are total value of loans guaranteed, loans growth, rate of default and rate of recovery.

In 2007, the seven recipients of these coveted awards contributed a total of RM3.9 billion, representing 85% of the total loans guaranteed by CGC for the year. In the said year, the Corporation recorded a strong surge in its loans growth, financing more than 13,000 SMEs valued at RM4.6 billion through its main schemes, programmed lending schemes and securitisation of SME loans. The Corporation also registered a 13% increase in revenue, posting RM275.2 million in 2007 compared with RM243.6 million in 2006.

CGCís Chairman, Y.Bhg. Datoí Zamani Abdul Ghani said the remarkable loans growth and amount guaranteed by the Corporation was the result of the strong support of participating financial institutions. ìIt is the unwavering support of these institutions that the Corporation is able to further expand its outreach to SMEs that are in need of financing and register robust loans growth,î added Datoí Zamani.

ìThe strong surge in loans growth of 53% to RM4.6 billion is unprecedented in the history of the Corporation, reflecting a strong demand for the Corporationís credit guarantees and its participation in SME development,î said CGCís Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad. ìAnother significant milestone achieved is the participation of the Corporation in the first-ever synthetic securitization of SME loans in the country, worth RM600 million ,î added Datuk Wan Azhar.

ìThe support and commitment towards SME development displayed by the award recipients have been encouraging. We believe that this is due to the strategic initiatives undertaken by CGC and the closer cooperation forged over the years between CGC and the banks,î said Datuk Wan Azhar.

For media enquiries:

V. Kumaran


Corporate Communications Department

Tel: 03-7806 2300 ext 232/016-638-1747

E-mail: [email protected]

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Enhancer-i Press Statement





We are pleased to announce that Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) has launched the Enhancer-i, a new credit guarantee scheme that is designed to further enhance SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) access to Islamic financing.

The innovative Enhancer-i is introduced to meet the increasing demand for alternate sources of financing from SMEs especially Syariíah-compliant financing facility. It is an enhanced version of CGCís Islamic Banking Guarantee Scheme (IBGS), the first Islamic guarantee scheme introduced in 2003, to enable SMEs to be more bankable by adding more value to their financing applications. It provides access to financing up to RM10 million and a guarantee coverage of up to 90%.

As with the conventional ENHANCER scheme introduced in August 2006, Enhancer-i is a guarantee scheme where the guarantee fee charged is calculated based on the risk profile of the borrower. The risk-adjusted pricing structure offers competitive terms for borrowers with low risk profiles.

Since the introduction of its Islamic credit guarantee schemes in 2003, CGC has cumulatively guaranteed a total of RM492 million under two of its Islamic schemes.

With the introduction of Enhancer-i, the SMEs now have enhanced access and also options to obtain Islamic financing. In addition to that, with wider and improved access especially with the participation of more Islamic and development financial institutions in CGCís guarantee schemes since early 2007, the SMEs can look forward to exploring newer business opportunities, expand their existing businesses or even penetrate non-traditional markets.

To avail Enhancer-i, the SMEs are encouraged to contact any of the participating financial institutions which offer Islamic financing facilities namely Maybank, Affin Islamic Bank Berhad, AmIslamic Bank Berhad, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad, CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad, EONCAP Islamic Bank Berhad, Hong Leong Islamic Bank Berhad and RHB Islamic Bank Berhad as well as the development financial institutions such as Bank Rakyat, Bank Pertanian and the Malaysian Industrial Development Finance (MIDF).

CGC, a subsidiary of Bank Negara Malaysia, is in the business of providing credit enhancement services to SMEs with inadequate collateral or without collateral and has no track record, a niche area in which the Corporation has served for 36 years. To date, it has cumulatively guaranteed about RM40 billion benefiting more than 400,000 SMEs in the country.

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MOU CGC & OCBC Press Release

OCBC IS FIRST FOREIGN BANK TO PARTICIPATE IN CGCís DIRECT ACCESS GUARANTEE SCHEME (DAGS)   Kuala Lumpur, 15 January 2008 ñ OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad today took a major step toward entrenching its position as one of the top supporters of SMEs in the country by becoming the first foreign bank to participate in the Credit Guarantee Corporationís (CGC) Direct Access Guarantee Scheme (DAGS).   DAGS provides SMEs with ìdirect accessî to guarantees from CGC and the required financing from participating banks. Apart from OCBC Bank, other participating banks are Maybank, CIMB, EON Bank, AmBank, RHB Bank and Affin Bank.   According to CGCís Managing Director and CEO, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad, OCBC Bank is the first foreign bank to be offered the opportunity to participate in the scheme in view of its active involvement with SMEs and in CGCís other guarantee schemes.   ìCGCís collaboration with OCBC is part of our SME outreach initiative to enhance financial access and support to SMEs across all sectors of the business community,î said Datuk Wan Azhar.   ìWith this initiative, we hope to reach out to all the business entities that have been banking with OCBC and help them to access our credit guarantee facilities,î Datuk Wan Azhar added.   In 2007, OCBC Bank was awarded the Top SMI Supporter Award (Foreign-Owned Bank Category) by CGC, the first for a foreign bank, for its outstanding contribution to SME development in Malaysia. With this, OCBC underlined its commitment to be at the forefront of providing financial services support to SMEs in the country and its quest to be recognised as one of the top financial partners to the SMEs.   ìWe are confident that OCBC Bank will continue to pay special attention to SMEs by providing innovative, financial solutions to them whilst establishing a mutually beneficial customer-banker relationship,î Datuk Wan Azhar added.   Unlike other CGC schemes, all loan applications under DAGS are processed, evaluated and approved by CGC before the applications are channeled to participating banks for documentation and disbursement. Since the introduction of DAGS in year 2000, CGC has approved a total of RM6.2 billion to 11,364 borrowers and loans outstanding as at financial year ending 31 December 2007 is RM3.9 billion.   Facilities offered under the scheme are term loans, overdrafts and trade lines, with each loan quantum capped at lower and upper limits of RM50,000 and RM3 million respectively. The guarantee tenure ranges from 5 years for working capital lines to 15 years for asset acquisition loans.   According to OCBC Bankís Director & CEO, Datoí Albert Yeoh, the Bank has set up a dedicated CGC Support Unit to ensure that OCBC provides prompt turn-around for loan approval and disbursement of CGC guaranteed loans. ìWe also look forward to leveraging on CGCís distribution network and benefiting from their market-driven and customer-centric approach and practices,î he said.   While the Bank expects initial revenue growth in proportion to overall expansion to be modest, it remains confident that, over time, the partnership with CGC would be mutually beneficial.   ìBut beyond this, we believe the SME market out there stands to benefit most through a widening of the access to financial institutions and financing options,î he said. ___________________________________________________________________   About CGC CGC, a subsidiary of Bank Negara Malaysia, is in the business of providing credit enhancement services to SMEs with inadequate collateral or without collateral and have no track record, a niche area in which the Corporation has served for 36 years. To date, it has cumulatively guaranteed about RM40 billion benefiting more than 400,000 SMEs in the country. About OCBC Bank Singapore’s longest established local bank, OCBC Bank, currently has assets of S$170 billion and a network of over 420 branches and representative offices in 15 countries and territories including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong SAR, Taiwan, Brunei, Myanmar, Japan, Korea, Australia, UK and USA. This network includes more than 330 branches and offices in Indonesia operated by OCBC Bankís subsidiary, PT Bank NISP. OCBC Bank and its banking subsidiaries offer a wide range of specialist financial services, from consumer, corporate, investment, private and transaction banking to global treasury and stockbroking services to meet the needs of its customers across communities.   OCBC Bankís insurance subsidiary, Great Eastern Holdings, is the largest insurance group in Singapore and Malaysia, in terms of assets and market share, and its asset management subsidiary, Lion Capital Management, is one of the largest asset management companies in Southeast Asia. Additional information may be found at www.ocbc.com.

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MOU CGC & OCBC - MD's Speech

Speech by

Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad, Managing Director

of Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC)

at the MoU Signing Ceremony Between CGC and OCBC Bank

15 January 2008.

Yang Berbahagia Datoí Albert Yeoh, Director and Chief Executive Officer of OCBC Bank Malaysia Berhad

Distinguished guests, members of the media

Ladies and Gentlemen

Assalammualaikum and a very good morning to you.

Foremost, on behalf of Credit Guarantee Corporation, I would like to take this opportunity to thank OCBC Bank Malaysia Berhad in particular Datoí Albert Teoh for laying the groundwork for this milestone collaboration between our two organizations, which I believe will be mutually beneficial and enriching. I would also like to thank the officers involved in this initiative for their relentless efforts, leading to the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding today.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are pleased to be associated with OCBC Bank, one of the top five foreign banks in Malaysia and Asia’s leading financial services group. With a strong presence in Malaysia especially in the small and medium-sized enterprises market, OCBC Bank offers valuable opportunities for CGC to further expand its SME outreach especially those business entities that were traditionally banking with OCBC. In fact, through this collaboration both the organizations could leverage on their combined network of 45 branches located nationwide to connect with a wider cross section of the SMEs.

OCBC Bank has been participating in CGCís guarantee schemes and in 2006, it was recognized as CGCís Top SMI Supporter under the foreign-owned bank category. Their commendable performance continued in 2007 where it emerged as the Top 3 financial institutions in terms of its contribution to SME financing through CGCís guarantee schemes. By making our Direct Access Guarantee Scheme (DAGS) and Direct Access Guarantee Scheme-Islamic accessible to OCBC customers, we are confident that OCBC would increase its participation in our schemes even further and contribute significantly to overall loans guaranteed to the SMEs. DAGS and DAGS-i have contributed more than RM1.5 billion in 2007 and it is projected to expand further in 2008. Our collaboration with OCBC is projected to contribute RM200 million or 10% of the total projection. We hope that the active participation of OCBC Bank will encourage other foreign banks to seize the opportunity and increase their contribution to SME sector development not only through direct financing but also via our guarantee schemes. With greater involvement of foreign banks comes wider options and access to financing for the SMEs.

Ladies and gentlemen,

As I have said earlier, our collaboration with OCBC is part of the SME outreach program that we have embarked since 2006. In the last two years, we further expanded our outreach by forging strategic alliance with more than 10 Islamic Financial Institutions and Development Financial Institutions. In addition, we have also taken the initiative to broaden our range of products and services. More credit enhancement products and services such as securitization, portfolio guarantee and credit information services have been gradually introduced and established. As you may recall, we have been party to the first SME loan securitization exercise undertaken in Malaysia together with Maybank. CGC has also entered into a strategic partnership with Aureos Capital to offer equity financing.

In the last six months, we have also introduced two new guarantee schemes, the latest being the ENHANCER-Islamic launched early this year. The ENHANCER-Islamic is not only aimed at enabling SMEs to access to alternate sources of financing but also to tap into the growing Islamic financing for SME sector that registered RM6 billion in growth in 2006[1]. We are also in the midst of establishing the SME Credit Bureau, a first in the country to offer SME credit ratings and credit-related information services. We are partnering with Dun and Bradstreet Malaysia Sdn Bhd and all work towards the setting up of the Bureau is progressing as planned. This initiative is of strategic importance to the national agenda of promoting a sound credit culture and greater transparency amongst the SMEs.

Ladies and gentlemen,

These are initiatives that we could not do without as the SMEs are quite dynamic and always in demand of a diverse range of financing facilities. Together, we can do more and I am confident that we would be able to play a bigger role in SME development by providing innovative financial solutions whilst establishing a mutually beneficial customer-banker relationship. Our collaboration holds promise as we could leverage on our distinctive and complementary strength.

In closing, I would like to once again thank OCBC Bank for making this collaboration possible. Today’s signing of MoU for the participation of OCBC Bank in CGCís DAGS and DAGS-i schemes is a first step towards a win-win partnership. As we share a common vision vis-‡-vis SME development, we look forward to working together to build an enduring partnership that will create greater financing access to SMEs and add value to both CGC and OCBC Bank.

Thank you.


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MOU CGC and Bank Rakyat

CGC Aims to Enhance Its SME Outreach via Bank Rakyat

KUALA LUMPUR, July 24 – Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad(CGC), Malaysiaís leading credit enhancer to the small and medium enterprises (SME), announced today that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Bank Rakyat to further expand its outreach to the SMEs and promote the growth and development of this sector in Malaysia.

CGCís Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad said that the strategic collaboration with Bank Rakyat is expected to pave the way for CGC to bridge the gap further in terms of SMEs access to financing.

He further added that the presence of institutions such as CGC and development financial institutions(DFIs) like Bank Rakyat complement the banking institutions in meeting the financing requirements of the economy, particularly in supporting the economic and social development of the nation.

ìFor CGC, this strategic collaboration would enable it to widen its outreach to a completely new clientele base, reachable through Bank Rakyatís more than 100 branches nationwide while the SMEs will enjoy the availability of another new avenue to secure financing for their business,î he added.

In going forward, CGC will continue to explore strategic partnership with other DFIs to further expand its outreach to the SME community and provide support to as many sectors as possible especially the least supported ones that are significant to the nationís economic growth.

Early this year, CGC forged strategic alliances with eight Islamic financial institutions to further enhance its outreach to the SME community, in particular those that require Islamic financing. To date, this alliance has benefited SMEs with credit guarantees valued close to RM8 million. It has also forged strategic alliances with two DFIs namely MIDF and Bank Pertanian Malaysia and thus far approved close to RM16 million loans, benefiting about 250 SMEs in the first six months of 2007.

ìCGCís expansion of credit enhancement to the Islamic financial institutions and the DFIs is a timely response to the increasing demand for financing by SMEs, which is fuelled by the expanding economy projected to grow at about 6%,î he said.

CGC has also forged strategic alliances with several benchmarked foreign institutions such as global fund manager Aureos Capital and Dun & Bradstreet Malaysia Sdn Bhd, a worldwide operator and provider of credit bureau and risk management solutions, to tap into their expertise especially in equity financing and SME credit bureau services respectively.

In addition to that, CGC had participated in the first ever SME loan securitisation in Malaysia launched in May 2007. This would enable CGC to secure funding for the SMEs from the capital market through the issuance of bonds, asset securitization and collaterised loan obligation.

ìWith these strategic partners on board, CGC is adequately positioned to innovate and introduce new products, reflecting its commitment to expanding avenues for SMEs to enhance their access to credit facilities,î he added.

Since its establishment in 1972, CGC, a subsidiary of Bank Negara Malaysia, has remained focused in its mandated role to assist SMEs accessibility to credit facilities. To date, CGC has been instrumental in the establishment of more than 365,000 SMEs, having cumulatively guaranteed about RM36 billion.

24-Jul-2007 15:24:04 PM

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CGC and D&B to establish SME Credit Bureau


3 July 2007

CGC and D&B to establish SME Credit Bureau

KUALA LUMPUR, July 3 ñ The Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) and Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Malaysia Sdn Bhd announced today they have entered into a strategic alliance to establish a SME Credit Bureau.

The SME Credit Bureau is a central databank of credit information on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and will act as a key source of information on registration details, credit track records, debt level and obligations, financial statements and trade partners of SMEs.

ìMore importantly, the Bureau would enrich the databank with credit scoring or ratings of SMEs, the availability of which would facilitate better risk management and credit decision-making for users,î said CGCís Managing Director, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

He added that the credit ratings can be used to guide the pricing of loans and determination of credit limits. SMEs with strong credit ratings would be able to reap the benefits of lower funding costs and greater access to financing while the weak ones are expected to leverage on the informational value of their credit ratings to improve their credit standing.

ìIn addition, the financial institutions will have access to a more comprehensive and reliable credit information on SMEs while SMEs will enjoy the benefit of assessing their own bankability,î he said.

Banks and other financial institutions will be able to avail themselves to a comprehensive range of information on the SMEs in the country from the central database of the Bureau. Convenient, timely and efficient access to SME information and credit ratings is expected to assist the lending institutions to make more objective and speedier evaluation of loan applications from SMEs.

Both CGC and D&B are confident that the establishment of the Bureau will further promote the development of a sound credit culture among financial institutions and SMEs.

ìBy setting up this bureau, it is our hope that the overall transparency in SME financing will be enhanced and the workings of the credit industry strengthened in a more holistic manner thus contributing to a more stable and efficient financial system in the country,î he added.

The Bureau would also encourage non-financial entities, including the SMEs themselves to share information through the Bureau. In this regard, the members of the business community could use the Bureau to decide with confidence when evaluating existing and prospective trade credit or other business deals.

To increase membership, both CGC and D&B will work closely with financial institutions and SME-related trade associations to ensure that SMEs are convinced of the bureauís role in helping them to improve their access to finance. In addition, SMEs will also be made aware of the benefits of joining the Bureau and encouraged to be transparent in reporting their financials.

The Bureau is poised to be an integral component of the developing credit information infrastructure in Malaysia. Its establishment is expected to contribute significantly towards assisting or enabling SMEs to gain access to the financial markets.

CGC, a subsidiary of Bank Negara Malaysia, is in the business of providing credit enhancement services to SMEs in Malaysia, a niche area in which the corporation has served for 35 years. D & B Malaysia Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of New York-based Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, is a global operator and provider of credit bureau and risk management solutions besides others like market intelligence and receivables management.

The signing of strategic alliance therefore, represents a meeting of the common objective of both parties to bridge the gaps in the availability and access to SME credit information in the country.

For further information, please contact:

Siti Badarny Hassan

Manager, Corporate Communications

Tel: 7806-2300 ext 231

03-Jul-2007 17:37:00 PM

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MARC Assign CGC AAA Issuer Credit Rating

PRESS STATEMENT MARC Assign CGC ‘AAA’ Issuer Credit Rating Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC), a leading credit guarantee institution serving the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the country, has attained a ‘AAA’ issuer credit rating from Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad (MARC). The rating reflects CGC’s healthy financial fundamentals, its sound credit culture, adequate risk governance procedures, loan guarantee schemes portfolio effectively managed and mitigated, the intrinsic liquidity of its assets, strong shareholder support especially Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and the strength of its management team. ìWe are delighted to obtain ‘AAA’ issuer credit rating as it is a key to the expansion of our core business, that is, the provision of credit guarantees to SMEs. With this rating and its expanded role under the transformation plan, CGC will provide a mechanism to link SME borrowers and lenders with investors in private capital markets,î said CGC’s Managing Director, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad. The ‘AAA’ rating, a pre-requisite to be recognised in the capital market, is expected to strengthen the development of CGC’s credit enhancement role, especially in the area of securitisation of SME loans where CGC’s role as credit enhancer is vital. ìEssentially, CGC would be instrumental in creating an avenue for the SMEs to tap the capital market while at the same time encouraging the capital market investors to be indirectly involved in the development of our SMEs,î Datuk Wan Azhar added. He further added that the capital market is an alternative source of funds that SMEs can tap into and enjoy not only competitive but more importantly, attractive rates than those offered by the financial institutions. îWith its backing as a credit enhancer of ‘AAA’ issuer credit rating, CGC makes it possible for SMEs to access the capital market for funds and enjoy better rates,î he said. ìThe credit rating enhances CGC’s potential to raise funds through the issuance of private debt securities to fund its various programmes designed specially to meet the needs of SMEs, which is commonly done in the developed countries such as Germany, Japan and South Korea,î he further added. Entry into the capital market is part of CGC’s 3-year transformation plan, which will see it transforming itself from a traditional credit guarantee provider to a financially sustainable institution that offers a wide range of products and services to SMEs. CGC, formed in 1972 to assist in SME development, has been instrumental in the establishment of more than 360,000 SMEs, guaranteeing a total of RM35 billion in value. It posted 21.2% increase in revenue from RM200.9 million in 2005 to RM243.6 million in 2006. Its investment income also saw an increase, registering 15.2% growth from RM127.5 million to RM146.9 million in 2006 with net profits reaching RM119.2 million. With the increase in the Corporation’s reserves by 2.8% in 2006, the shareholder’s fund rose to RM2.69 billion from RM2.62 billion as at 31 December 2006.   For further information, please contact: Siti Badarny Hassan Manager, PR & Special Programmes Tel: 03-7806-2300 ext 231 27-Jun-2007 15:26:13 PM

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CGC Recognizes Financial Institutions

Press Release

For Publication or Broadcast
21st May 2007

CGC Recognizes Financial Institutionsí

Contribution Towards SME Development

Petaling Jaya, 21 May – Five leading financial institutions were formally recognized for their significant contribution towards SME development in 2006 by Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) today. The financial institutions were Maybank, CIMB, EON Bank, OCBC and RHB Bank who received the Top SMI Supporter Award from CGCís Chairman Datoí Zamani Abdul Ghani at the awards presentation ceremony held at its head office in Petaling Jaya.

Maybank and CIMB Bank once again emerged as the Top SMI Supporters, making it their 12th award since the Award was inaugurated by CGC in 1996. For RHB Bank and EON Bank, this is their 7th and 2nd award respectively. The five award recipients contributed RM2.5 billion, representing 83% of the total loans guaranteed by CGC in 2006.

Held in conjunction with the Corporationís 34th Annual General Meeting, the 12th edition also witnessed the recognition of OCBC, a foreign-owned bank under CGCís Top SMI Supporter-Foreign-owned Bank category, introduced for the first time in 2006. CGC introduced this new category basically to demonstrate its appreciation to the foreign-owned banks for their support towards the development of local SMEs and also to further encourage their continued participation in its credit guarantee schemes.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference after the award presentation ceremony, CGCís Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad said that foreign-owned banks have shown increasing interest in supporting the local SMEs, which has great potential for growth in the coming years.

ìWe have seen their increasing interest not only in supporting the local SMEs directly but also through their participation in our credit guarantee schemes. It is an encouraging trend that CGC will continue to promote,î added Datuk Wan Azhar.

He further emphasized that with the foreign-owned banks showing more interest in financing the SMEs, local banks are expected to step up their efforts to face off the increasing competition in this market.

ìThe healthy competition among the banks would greatly benefit the SMEs in terms of access to financing as they will not only have greater options but also enjoy the convenience of the extensive network of the banksí branches nationwide,î stressed Datuk Wan Azhar.

ìWith the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with eight Islamic financial institutions in February this year, we are also considering another new award category to recognize the contribution of these Islamic institutions,î said Datuk Wan Azhar.

The award recipients were selected based on the fulfillment of the various criteria set by the Corporation, amongst others, are the total value of loans guaranteed, loans growth, rate of default and rate of recovery.

In the financial year ended 31st December 2006, the Corporation sustained its loans growth at a respectable level of over 7,500 SME accounts valued at slightly over RM3 billion, benefiting largely the general business, manufacturing and agricultural sectors. CGC registered 21.2% increase in revenue, posting RM243.6 million in 2006 as opposed to RM200.9 million in the corresponding year.

ìWith the increasing participation of the conventional banks and the Islamic financial institutions in CGCís credit guarantee schemes coupled with the introduction of new and revised products, we are optimistic of achieving our target of RM4.5 billion in 2007,î said Datuk Wan Azhar.

On its 3-year Business Transformation Plan that it embarked on in 2006, Datuk Wan Azhar said it is on track with several of the strategic initiatives outlined under the plan having been implemented and have progressed substantially. These include the expansion of the scope of its guarantee beneficiaries to Islamic and development financial institutions, the establishment of a joint venture company with an international partner to provide equity funding to SMEs, securitization of SME loans and the introduction of risk-adjusted pricing structure in its guarantee schemes as well as strengthening of its institutional capacity in the areas of human capital management, IT infrastructure and corporate governance.

CGC has cumulatively guaranteed more than 360,000 SME establishments with a loans value of RM35.14 billion since its establishment in 1972.

Brief on CGC

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) was established on July 5, 1972. Current shareholders are Bank Negara Malaysia (major shareholder) and all commercial banks. CGC has 16 branches nationwide which were established since year 2000.The core business focus of CGC is to assist SMEs, especially those without or with inadequate collateral and track record to obtain credit facilities from financial institutions by providing guarantee cover on such facilities.

CGC has also expanded its role by providing business advisory services, i.e. assisting SMEs who are unfamiliar with the procedures involved in preparing the required documents for financing through its panel of Business Advisory Service Entity (BASE).

For Media Enquiries:

Siti Badarny Hassan

Public Relations and Special Programme

Tel: 03-78062300 ext 231

E-mail: [email protected]

12-Jun-2007 17:21:26 PM

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MARC Assign CGC 'AAA' Issuer Credit Rating


For Immediate Release 31st May 2007

MARC Assign CGC ‘AAA’ Issuer Credit Rating
Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC), a leading credit guarantee institution serving the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the country, has attained a ‘AAA’ issuer credit rating from Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad (MARC).

The rating reflects CGC’s healthy financial fundamentals, its sound credit culture, adequate risk governance procedures, loan guarantee schemes portfolio effectively managed and mitigated, the intrinsic liquidity of its assets, strong shareholder support especially Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and the strength of its management team.

ìWe are delighted to obtain ‘AAA’ issuer credit rating as it is a key to the expansion of our core business, that is, the provision of credit guarantees to SMEs. With this rating and its expanded role under the transformation plan, CGC will provide a mechanism to link SME borrowers and lenders with investors in private capital markets,î said CGC’s Managing Director, Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

The ‘AAA’ rating, a pre-requisite to be recognised in the capital market, is expected to strengthen the development of CGC’s credit enhancement role, especially in the area of securitisation of SME loans where CGC’s role as credit enhancer is vital.

ìEssentially, CGC would be instrumental in creating an avenue for the SMEs to tap the capital market while at the same time encouraging the capital market investors to be indirectly involved in the development of our SMEs,î Datuk Wan Azhar added.

He further added that the capital market is an alternative source of funds that SMEs can tap into and enjoy not only competitive but more importantly, attractive rates than those offered by the financial institutions. îWith its backing as a credit enhancer of ‘AAA’ issuer credit rating , CGC makes it possible for SMEs to access the capital market for funds and enjoy better rates,î he said.

ìThe credit rating enhances CGC’s potential to raise funds through the issuance of private debt securities to fund its various programmes designed specially to meet the needs of SMEs, which is commonly done in the developed countries such as Germany, Japan and South Korea,î he further added.

Entry into the capital market is part of CGC’s 3-year transformation plan, which will see it transforming itself from a traditional credit guarantee provider to a financially sustainable institution that offers a wide range of products and services to SMEs.

CGC, formed in 1972 to assist in SME development, has been instrumental in the establishment of more than 360,00 SMEs, guaranteeing a total of RM35 billion in value. It posted 21.2% increase in revenue from RM200.9 million in 2005 to RM243.6 million in 2006. Its investment income also saw an increase, registering 15.2% growth from RM127.5 million to RM146.9 million in 2006 with net profits reaching RM119.2 million.

With the increase in the Corporation’s reserves by 2.8% in 2006, the shareholder’s fund rose to RM2.69 billion from RM2.62 billion as at 31 December 2006.

For further information, please contact:

Siti Badarny Hassan

Manager, PR & Special Programmes

Tel: 03-7806-2300 ext 231

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27-Jun-2007 15:25:40 PM

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Launching of Strategic Partnership

Press Release 6 February 2007

CGC and Islamic Financial Institutions forge Strategic Partnership to accelerate SME growth and drive new opportunities

Kuala Lumpur, Tues 6 Feb – The development of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) took a significant step forward today as Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) and eight Islamic Financial Institutions announced their strategic partnership that has the potential to increase SMEs access to financing as well as open up new growth opportunities for the institutions.

This decisive step, a customer-centric approach taken by CGC and the Islamic financial institutions, will provide a wider avenue for the SMEs to avail themselves of the varied financing facilities to be made available through the institutionsí network of branches nationwide.

The eight participating Islamic financial Institutions are Affin Islamic Bank Berhad, AmIslamic Bank Berhad, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad, CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad, EONCAP Islamic Bank Berhad, Hong Leong Islamic Bank Berhad and RHB Islamic Bank Berhad.

Speaking to reporters at the launch of this strategic partnership, CGC Chairman Datuk Zamani Abdul Ghani said that the initiative is indeed an extension of the Corporationís on-going efforts to be in the forefront of SME development in the country. ìThis strategic move is in line with the Corporationís transformation exercise embarked a year ago to assist SMEs through new channels,î added Datuk Zamani.

The collaboration with Islamic financial institutions, Datuk Zamani said, is a testimony of CGCís conscientious efforts to find new ways of assisting the SME community that requires financial and developmental support. ìCGC has anticipated an increasing demand for alternate sources of financing from SMEs, especially Syariíah-compliant financing schemes in the light of the fast developing Islamic financial system in parallel with the conventional structure in Malaysia. The initiation of guarantee schemes in Islamic finance complements our overall efforts in the development of Islamic finance as an effective driver of economic growth,î explained Datuk Zamani.

ìIt will not only enable CGC to assist SMEs requiring Islamic guarantees but also help expand its financing base to more customers requiring Islamic facilities. The collaboration also paves the way for CGC to make further inroad into Shariíah-based Islamic financing,î he added.

With this collaboration, it is anticipated that CGC and the Islamic financial institutions will step up their efforts even further to assume a greater role in SME development as envisioned by the National SME Development Council. The concerted efforts by both parties will bring mutual benefits as the Islamic financial institutions are able to extend more financing to its customers with CGC guarantees while on the other hand CGC is able to reach out to new SME customers.

In terms of volume of business, Datuk Zamani revealed that this collaboration is expected to generate RM300 million in 2007.

Year 2007 marks the 2nd phase of CGCís transformation plan where expansion of products and services will be given greater prominence. In addition to extending the guarantee facilities to Islamic financial institutions and development financial institutions, CGC will expedite its efforts in the provision of equity financing as well as securitisation of SME loans. ìThese initiatives are expected to facilitate the Corporationís entry into capital market activities intended for the development of SMEs,î said Datuk Zamani.

He explained further that the new CGC will take a more holistic approach to address SMEs ëaccess to financingí by offering not only conventional and Islamic guarantee products but also non-financial ancillary services i.e. advisory services on financial and business management, marketing and other business aspects to strengthen the capacity and capabilities of SMEs.

CCG, a leading credit enhancer in the country for more than three decades, has to-date been instrumental in the establishment of about 360,000 businesses, guaranteeing over RM35 billion worth of loans.

With the launch of this strategic partnership with the Islamic financial institutions, CGC hopes to see more opportunities and avenues to support the SME sector which remains the key driver of nationís economic growth.

For more information please contact:

Siti Badarny Hassan or V. Kumaran

at 03-7806-2300 ext 231/232

27-Jun-2007 15:23:28 PM

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CGC introduces ENHANCER

CGC introduces ENHANCER to facilitate SME financing

Kuala Lumpur, 28 Aug – Building on the success of its various schemes, Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC), today launched the ENHANCER, a new credit guarantee scheme aimed at making it relatively easier for the small and medium enterprise (SME) community to obtain financing by enhancing the credibility of their loan applications.

Speaking to reporters after the launching ceremony, CGCís Chief Executive Officer Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad said, ìThis is one of the most customer-centric products that we have introduced to date as we are committed to see a continuous and dynamic development of the SME sector in the country.î

ìEssentially, the ENHANCER helps SMEs to strengthen their credit standing and business viability by adding more value to their loan applications,î stressed Datuk Wan.

The ENHANCER is a credit guarantee scheme where the guarantee fee that is normally charged to the borrower would be calculated according to the risk profile of the borrower. Under the ENHANCER, a borrower with a low risk profile would pay a low guarantee fee as opposed to a high-risk borrower.

ìThe risk-adjusted guarantee fee pricing structure under ENHANCER is an initiative by CGC to enable a broader segment of the SME community to have greater access to financing their businessî, added Datuk Wan.

The ENHANCER makes SMEs more ëbankableí as the question of risk is now being reflected with a flexible fee structure that is based on the profile of the borrowers.

ìThe new fee structure which is risk-adjusted will be based on the rating of the borrower determined using a scoring methodology,î added Datuk Wan. ìThis may also serve as an incentive for SMEs to enhance their risk profile in order to avail themselves of a lower fee.î

He also explained that under the ENHANCER scheme, the financial institutions that provide loans, are no longer required to comply with stringent requirements such as notification of the Non-Performing Loan (NPL) and any claims arising can be submitted immediately upon NPL.

Datuk Wan also added that the ENHANCER will be initially targeted at small and medium-sized businesses, a segment that has traditionally been finding it difficult to have excess to business loans. Subsequently ENHANCER will also be made available to the bigger enterprises.

ìAs a premier credit guarantee institution, CGC will continue to not only support the growth of SMEs but also to facilitate and sustain their development by paving the way for greater access to the much-needed financial assistance,î explained Datuk Wan.

CGC experienced encouraging demands for the credit guarantee schemes introduced over the years. As at end of July 2006, CGC has cumulatively guaranteed over 363,055 loans valued at RM33.25 billion. In 2005, it guaranteed a total of 8,600 loans valued at RM3.3 billion, benefiting three broad economic sectors namely, general business, manufacturing and agriculture.

ìFor 2006, we aim to maintain the momentum on loan approvals and ENHANCER will be contributing to that effort,î he added.

For the first time ever through its own branch network, CGCís DIRECT ACCESS GUARANTEE SCHEME (DAGS) surpassed the billion-dollar mark in 2005, registering close to 2,400 loans, valued at RM1.4 billion. DAGS and NPGS, the two main schemes, contributed significantly towards the Corporationís growth in loan guarantees, representing about 42% (RM1.4 billion) and 32% (RM1.0 billion) of the total value of loans guaranteed in 2005, respectively. As at end of July 2006, DAGS has seen an increase in total loans guaranteed, registering 16.5% growth compared with the corresponding year.

ìWith attractive features that are beneficial to both the borrowers as well as the financial institutions, we look forward towards greater participation by the financial institutions in the ENHANCER scheme,î said Datuk Wan. îWe also anticipate an increased participation by the locally incorporated foreign banks. Currently participation from the foreign banks only accounts for two percent of the loan base.

As part of its product strategy, CGC is also in the midst of expanding its strategic partnership with Islamic financial institutions to have greater reach to the SME community through the provision of credit enhancements for Islamic financial products.

The ENHANCER was officially launched by the Deputy Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia Datuk Zamani Abdul Ghani at Nikko Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

CGC was established with the main aim of assisting the SMEs gain accessibility to credit facilities from financial institutions. It is one of the leading institutions in Malaysia, which provides guarantee on loans to SMEs which have no or inadequate collateral or track record.

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Maybank and BCB Top SMI Supporters for 11 Consecutive Years

Press Release

For Publication or Broadcast
26th May 2006

Maybank and BCB Top SMI Supporters for 11 Consecutive Years

Petaling Jaya, 26 May ñ Maybank and Bumiputra-Commerce Bank have once again emerged as the Top SMI Supporters, making it the 11th award both the institutions have won since it was first introduced by Credit Guarantee Corporation (CGC) in 1996. Also recognised were Public Bank Berhad and EON Bank as among the top four SMI Supporters for 2005.

The Top SMI Supporter Award that recognises financial institutions for their significant contribution towards the financing of Small and Medium scale Industries (SMI) and their overall participation in CGCís guarantee schemes annually, was presented by CGC Chairman Datuk Zamani Abdul Ghani at its 33rd Annual General Assembly held in Petaling Jaya.

ìThe financial institutions have been very supportive of CGCís guarantee schemes. With their support CGC has been able to play a significant role in the overall growth of the SMI sector. It is in view of their unwavering support that we recognise them annually,î said CGCís Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad.

ìThis recognition has to a certain extent increased competition among the financial institutions as we could see that they are more aggressive in terms of their contribution towards our guarantee schemes,î added Datuk Wan Azhar.

The Corporation registered yet another commendable performance for the year under review. It guaranteed 8,567 loans valued at RM3.3 billion for all its schemes compared with 8,452 loans valued at RM3.0 billion in the previous year. With this healthy growth, the Corporationís guarantee fees income increased by 11.7% to RM73.4 million, from RM65.7 million recorded in the previous year.

In October 2005, the Corporation announced that it would undertake a transformation exercise with a commitment to further enhance its role in supporting the growth and development of competitive SMEs. CGC will be transformed from a traditional guarantee provider into an effective and financially sustainable institution that offers a wider range of products and services that better serve the current and evolving needs of SMEs.

ìIn a nutshell, the transformation exercise would reposition CGC as a commercially-driven financial institution that offers financial as well as other products and services that are complementary to those provided by the banking institutions,î said Datuk Wan Azhar.

ìWe are on track with the transformation. The first of the few initiatives that we have already completed includes the broadening of the board of directors where we have included new members with diverse and relevant expertise that are very much needed by CGC. In addition, we have forged strategic partnership with a foreign SME institution to provide the much-needed expertise to help CGC in its pursuit of establishing itself as an SME institution of choice in Malaysia,î said Datuk Wan Azhar.

The corporation experienced continued demand for its various guarantee schemes in 2005. Two new products were made available for the SMEs. The Fast Track Pro-Finance, a co-branding activity with Bumiputra Commerce Bank (BCB) that catered for the needs of professional firms, was launched last July. This was followed by the debut of the Direct Access Guarantee Scheme-Islamic (DAGS-i), which was introduced in December and which signifies its entry into the Islamic financial infrastructure in the country.

As at end of April 2006, cumulatively CGCís Islamic Banking Guarantee Scheme (IBGS) and Direct Access Guarantee Scheme-Islamic have contributed a total of 525 guaranteed loans approved with a value of RM364 million.

ìWith the presence of a guarantee system in the Islamic banking community, the Corporation is now able to meet the needs of our customers seeking an alternative to conventional methods, and thereby delivering Syariah compliant products,î Datuk Wan Azhar said.

CGCís Direct Access Guarantee Scheme (DAGS), which has played an effective role in enhancing the SMEís bankability and access to financing, has for the first time surpassed the billion ringgit mark in 2005, registering 2,349 loans valued at RM1.4 billion compared with 2,076 loans valued at RM962.9 million in 2004. This commendable growth for DAGS is a result of aggressive marketing strategies, good branch networking and loan monitoring. Demand for DAGS has seen an increase this year with guaranteed loans, as at end of April 2006, reaching 703 valued at RM423.5 million.

CGC will continue to focus more on products and services that are complementary to those provided by banking institutions and that are to be provided at competitive terms to enable the Corporation to achieve long term financial sustainability. It will also intensify further its reach to the SME fraternity via more co-branding and collaborative efforts with the financial institutions. This will enable more SMEs to benefit from the guarantee facilities offered by CGC.

In moving forward CGC will be participating in the first SME loans securitisation in the country. In addition to enhancing the capacity of financial institutions to further lend to SMEs, the securitisation would enable SMEs to indirectly tap their funding requirements from the capital market.

CGC was established with the main aim of assisting the SMEs gain accessibility to credit facilities from financial institutions. It is one of the leading institutions in Malaysia, which provides guarantee on loans to SMEs. To date, it has cumulatively guaranteed more than 380,000 loans valued at RM33.86 billion.


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CGC Extends Guarantee Scheme to Professional Firms


CGC Extends Guarantee Scheme

To Professional Firms

Kuala Lumpur, 26th July 2005: Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC), Malaysiaís sole provider of guarantee for business loans, is confident of attracting more professional service providers to participate in its guarantee schemes. The availability of the Fast Track PRO-Finance, which is a joint collaboration with Bumiputra Commerce Bank (BCB), is expected to provide the impetus as it is specially designed to assist Professional Firms to get financing for their working capital and business expansion.

CGCís Managing Director Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad said the new financing package, jointly undertaken with BCB, is offered via fastrack mode and is made available for private medical and dental clinics, accounting, audit and tax consultants as well as veterinary clinics, engineering and architect firms with a maximum loan of RM100,000. This joint promotion will utilize the existing New Principal Guarantee Scheme and Small Entrepreneur Guarantee Scheme.

ìIn its continuous effort to improve services to the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), CGC embarked on joint programmes with local banks, one of which is this BCB Fast Track PRO-Finance. Following the overwhelming response from the BCB Fast Track Financing, a joint product tie-up launched in August 2003, todayís Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) is an extension of that arrangement for a similar collaboration effort with BCBî, noted Datuk Wan Azhar.

The MoU signed today between BCB and the participating firms namely the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Malaysian Dental Association, Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Malaysian Institute of Architects, The Institution of Engineers, The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysian Medical Association and the Small Animal Practitioners Association of Malaysia, paves the way for CGC to extend its services as the intermediary in providing access to credit for the SMEs.

According to Datuk Wan Azhar, the signing ceremony today marks yet another milestone in the annals of CGC as it stamps CGCís role as a ëCredit Enhancerí, thus evolving itself from its primary role as a credit supplementation institution to a more market driven role in assisting SMEs in the competitive economy. BCB, which was recently awarded as Top SMI Supporter for the past ten years, has committed a great deal of resources and services in financing the SMEs.

ìWe are confident that with todayís MOU, the product will create better awareness among professional firms to get financing, for both working capital and business expansion. There is a commitment now from both CGC and BCB to aggressively promote this product which has seen us approving 66 applications to the value of close to RM5 million up to July 15 this yearî, said Datuk Wan Azhar.

From January to July 15th, this year, CGC has approved a total of 4,396 applications valued at RM1.726 billion for all its five main guarantee schemes. CGC anticipates loans to be guaranteed this year to reach RM4 billion, given the rapid growth of SMEs. Of this amount, half or more will be through its own branches. As at 15 July, CGC has approved 1,722 applications for New Principal Guarantee Scheme (NPGS) amounting to RM556 million whilst for Direct Access Guarantee Scheme (DAGS) was 1,189 applications valued at RM693.7 million. CGC also has approved 614 applications amounting to RM22.1 million for Small Entrepreneur Guarantee Scheme (SEGS). CGC usually witnesses a rapid pick-up in borrowings from customers in the third and fourth quarters of the year.

About CGC
CGC was established in 1972 to assist the SMEs/SMIs gain accessibility to credit facilities from financial institutions. It administers various guarantee schemes meant for specific target groups via its 16 branches located nationwide. As at July 15th 2005, CGC has cumulatively guaranteed 375,140 loans valued at RM31.4 billion since its establishment. CGC is owned by Bank Negara Malaysia and the Financial Institutions. As a strong supporter of Small and Medium Entrepreneurs, it is currently under the purview of the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development. For further information, please visit CGCís website at www.iGuarantee.com.my or call our Client Service Centre at telephone number 03-788-000-88



For Media Enquiries:

Puan Siti Badarny Hassan

Public Relations and Special Programmes Department

Tel ñ 03 : 78062300 Ext 231.

e-mail ñ [email protected]

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Maybank, BCB, RHB and Hong Leong Bag CGC's Top SMI Supporter

Maybank, BCB, RHB and Hong Leong Bag CGC’s Top SMI Supporter Award 2004 Petaling Jaya, 9th May 2005: Credit Guarantee Corporation (CGC), Malaysiaís sole provider of guarantee for business loans, today awarded four local commercial banks the CGC Top SMI Supporter Award 2004. The award, the tenth in the series, is to acknowledge the financial institutions for their significant contribution towards the financing of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and their overall participation in CGCís guarantee schemes annually.   The awards recipients were Maybank, Bumiputra-Commerce Bank, RHB Bank and Hong Leong Bank. CGCís Chairman, Datuk Zamani Abdul Ghani, who is also Bank Negara Malaysiaís (BNM) Deputy Governor, presented the awards after CGCís 32nd Annual General Meeting held in Petaling Jaya.   For Maybank and BCB, the awards this year are of special significance as it is the tenth consecutive year that they have won this award from CGC. As for Hong Leong Bank, it is their first award this year, an acknowledgement for their active participation in spurring the growth of the SMEs in the country. RHB, meanwhile, has won this award for six times.   Datuk Zamani Abdul Ghani said the CGC Top SMI Supporter Award, introduced in 1996, has grown from strength to strength as can be seen from the growing awareness among financial institutions to participate in CGCís guarantee schemes.   ìI would like to congratulate Maybank and BCB for winning this award ten years in a row which undoubtedly places them as the leading providers of financial support for SMEs. Similarly, I would also like to congratulate RHB for their achievement, winning this award for the sixth time, and welcome Hong Leong Bank into the top four ranks of this award. This inaugural achievement by Hong Leong will definitely place the bank on the same playing field with the other financial institutions,î said Datuk Zamani at the prize presentation ceremony held after the 32nd Annual General Meeting of CGC.         Meanwhile, all winners of the award have expressed their full commitment to ensure the continued growth of SMIs in the country and to work closely with CGC.   ìThe SMEs continue to be the impetus for growth and we congratulate CGC in their efforts to enhance this sector through their various loan and guarantee schemes. We have great pleasure in working with CGC in support of the SMEs and congratulate them for their various programmes in uplifting the SME sector. We are honoured by the recognition as Top Performer for 10 consecutive years and we will continue to enhance the close rapport with CGC to enable the SMEs to access the various CGC schemes,î said Datuk Amirsham A Aziz, President and Chief Executive Officer of Maybank Berhad.   Bumiputra-Commerce Bank says it is honoured with the recognition of this award by CGC as a Top SMI Supporter. As one of the largest domestic bank with a deep understanding of the needs of local enterprises, BCB notes that it has always been committed to assist SMIs advance.   ìWe aspire to be the choice bank to all businesses by providing a speedy, efficient and hassle-free process whereby businesses can seek financial assistance. As such, we commit a great deal of resources and dedicate a large team of experienced bank officers located at about 50 business centres throughout the country dedicated to financing SMIs. Our success in this mission over the last 10 years as Top SMI Supporter is due in a large part to the strong commitment and unwavering support of CGC, which has always been a most supportive and forward looking partner in our quest to help Malaysian SMIs advance. We would like to express our appreciation to CGC and restate our commitment to work closely with CGC,î said Encik Abu Bakar Buyong, Executive Vice President, Business Banking.   RHB Bank says the SMEs have been recognized as a priority business. The bank notes that they have 42 easily accessible business centres and a network of 191 branches nationwide to cater for SMEs financing needs. RHB Bank is the first commercial bank to develop and launch a program lending loan package specially tailored for the SMEs under its ëBizPowerí Brand.   ìWe are fully committed towards the development of the SMEs and have set up dedicated departments which provides advisory and product development namely the Special Funds & Schemes Department, the Bumiputera Business Development Department and the Program Lending Department. In addition, our Accounts Relationship Managers and the Commercial Sales Team will provide their professional services and also look into the SMEs financing needs. With CGC as our business partner, we will be able to provide better financial assistance to a wider SMEs market.   This is reflected in our achievement and recognition accorded by CGC as its Top SMI Supporter Award for six consecutive time,î said Mr Michael J. Barrett, Chief Executive Officer, RHB Bank Berhad.   Meanwhile, Hong Leong Bank says the bankís bedrock has always been the SMIs. According to Mr Lee Chaing Huat, Chief Operating Officer, Business Banking, they are delighted and honoured to be recognised and to receive this prestigious award from CGC.   ìWe attribute this achievement to our loyal SMI customers who have given us the opportunity and privilege to be their business partners. This award will certainly spur us to bring more value added financial services to our customers and the SMI community and to help them face the extremely challenging and competitive business environment both locally and globally,î noted Mr Lee.   The winners were selected based on various criteria set by CGC. They include the number and value of loans guaranteed, loan growth, contribution towards Bumiputera SMEs, contribution towards the manufacturing sector, rehabilitation and restructuring as well as recovery.   All winners received a special woodcarving, ëPohon Bodhií which represents the primordial tree that has stood from the beginning of time and whose branches and roots reach out into infinity. The award symbolises commitment and strong foundation.   About CGC CGC was established in 1972 to assist the SMEs/SMIs gain accessibility to credit facilities from financial institutions. It administers various guarantee schemes meant for specific target groups via its 16 branches located nationwide. To-date CGC has cumulatively guaranteed 344,567 loans valued at RM28.81 billion since its establishment. CGC is owned by Bank Negara Malaysia and the Financial Institutions. As a strong supporter of Small and Medium Entrepreneurs, it is currently under the purview of the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development. For further information, please visit CGCís website at www.iGuarantee.com.my. 07-Sep-2005 11:44:34 AM Terms and Conditions apply, Copyright 2003 Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia. IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE

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CGC plans expansion to reach more SMEs

CGC plans expansion to reach more SMEs

Petaling Jaya, 9th May 2005: Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC), Malaysiaís sole provider of guarantee for business loans, guaranteed 8,452 loans valued at RM3.01 billion last year under various schemes for the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The figures represent an increase of 4.5 percent in terms of number and 12 .1 percent in terms of value compared with the total number of 8,090 loans and value of RM2.68 billion respectively approved in 2003.

Chairman Datuk Zamani Abdul Ghani said CGCís operating revenue increased by 9.8 percent to RM148.14 million, against RM134.92 million achieved in 2003 due to higher earnings from both guarantee fees and investment.

ìThe operating environment for the year under review was indeed challenging, but with clear strategies in place, our plans were executed accordingly. As a result, CGC experienced continued demand for its various guarantee schemes enabling greater access to financing for the SMEs, thereby enhancing their capacity to expand and grow,î remarked Datuk Zamani at the 32nd Annual General Meeting of CGC held in Petaling Jaya today.

As the only credit guarantee institution for SMEs, CGC has cumulatively guaranteed 344,567 loans valued at RM28.81 billion since its establishment in 1972. There has been a continuing demand for its guarantees, especially the Direct Access Guarantee Scheme (DAGS) which has played an effective role in enhancing the SMEs bankability and access to financing.

ìA positive growth and commendable loan quality for DAGS is a result of adequate branch network and loan monitoring. A total of 2,076 loans valued at RM962.88 million were approved in 2004 compared with 1,904 loans valued at RM932.79 million in 2003. The New Principal Guarantee Scheme (NPGS) saw a slight decrease with 3,340 approved loans valued at RM1,061.68 million in 2004 compared with 3,657 loans valued at RM1,144.45 million in 2003,î noted Datuk Zamani.

Generally, CGCís two main schemes, namely the NPGS and DAGS, contributed significantly towards growth in loan guarantees, representing about 35.3 percent or RM1.06 billion and 32 percent or RM962.88 million respectively of the total value of loans guaranteed in 2004. In terms of sectorial distribution, 73.5 percent or RM2.2 billion of total loans were to the General Business sector.

ìSignificant progress was made last year towards improving the delivery system whereby the Client Service Centre (CSC) was launched in August to provide a ëOne-Stop Communication Centreí to the SMEs and the financial institutions. The official appointment of the Business Advisory Services Entity (BASE) in October saw six consultants being appointed to help the SMEs prepare loan applications for submission to CGC or the financial institutions,î noted Datuk Zamani.

CGCís strategy this year focuses on enhancing the SMEs access to financing. It will continue to elevate its role as a One-Stop-Centre for SMEs to gain access to financing via the Customer Service Centre and its network of 16 branches nationwide. In line with its effort to maximize its reach to more SMEs, CGC will continue with its plan of expanding the existing branches by setting up representative offices in selected locations. Focus shall be given to faster access to financing as well as the post sales service. More tie-up programmes with the financial institutions are in the pipeline to help CGC achieve its strategic goals.

About CGC
CGC was established in 1972 to assist the SMEs/SMIs gain accessibility to credit facilities from financial institutions. It administers various guarantee schemes meant for specific target groups via its 16 branches located nationwide. To-date CGC has cumulatively guaranteed 344,567 loans valued at RM28.81 billion since its establishment. CGC is owned by Bank Negara Malaysia and the Financial Institutions. As a strong supporter of Small and Medium Entrepreneurs, it is currently under the purview of the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development. For further information, please visit CGCís website at www.iGuarantee.com.my.

07-Sep-2005 11:46:05 AM

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Presentation Of Top SMI Supporter Award

Presentation Of Top SMI Supporter Award
The 31st Annual General Meeting of Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC), held at Bangunan CGC today, witnessed the presentation of Top SMI Supporter Awards for year 2003. The Corporationís Chairman, YBhg. Datoí Mohd Salleh Hj. Harun, presented the awards to four financial institutions; namely 3 commercial banks and 1 finance company.

The first CGC Top Supporter Award was introduced in 1996 to recognize banks and finance companies for their significant contribution in the overall achievement of the Corporationís objectives. The Top SMI Supporter Awards, the ninth in the series is traditionally presented to acknowledge the 4 most active financial institutions for their significant contribution towards the financing of SMEs and their overall participation in CGCís guarantee schemes in 2003. The top 3 commercial banks had contributed 68% and 81% in terms of number and value respectively for the Commercial Bank category while the top finance company contributed 94% in terms of both number and value for the Finance Company category in 2003.

The Corporation is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2003 Awards being as follows:

Malayan Banking Berhad

RHB Bank Berhad

Bumiputra-Commerce Bank Berhad
Mayban Finance Berhad


The Corporation is adamant of playing an effective role in providing greater financial accessibility to the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to enhance their capacity to expand their business ventures. As such, the demand for the CGC guarantee schemes continued to remain strong amongst the SMEs in 2003.

Despite the dynamic global economy in 2003, the Corporation remained committed in assisting the SMEs. Following that, the Special Relief Guarantee Fund (SRGF) was introduced to alleviate temporary cash-flow problems faced by those involved in industries which were affected by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Since its implementation, SRGF has benefited 73 borrowers, involving loans valued at RM36.89 million.

The Corporationís expansion program witnessed the opening of two more branches namely in Batu Pahat, Johor and Wangsa Maju in Kuala Lumpur, bringing the total number to 14 branches altogether. In line with the Corporationís business plan, the branches continued to play a vital role in promoting the Direct Access Guarantee Scheme (DAGS.

During the period, a total of 1,904 loans valued at RM932.8 million was approved under DAGS compared to 1,052 loans valued at RM436.3 million in year 2002. Similarly, the New Principal Guarantee Scheme (NPGS) also showed an increase with 3,657 approved loans valued at RM1,144.5 million in year 2003 as compared to 3,424 loans valued at RM1,113.3 million approved in year 2002.

Overall, the total loans guaranteed for the year amounted to RM2.7 billion, surpassing the Corporationís target of RM2.4 billion. The two main schemes, namely New Principal Guarantee Scheme (NPGS) and DAGS had contributed significantly to the growth, representing about 42.6% and 34.8% respectively, of the total value of loans guaranteed in year 2003. In terms of direction of lending, 83% of total loans went to the General Business sector. The Corporation has cumulatively guaranteed 336,115 loans valued at RM25.8 billion.

The Islamic Banking Guarantee Scheme (IBGS), introduced in 1997 was revised in June 2003. The revised IBGS enabled viable businesses to obtain maximum financing of up to RM10 million at a reasonable profit rate. Under the scheme, the Corporation has approved 87 loans valued at RM46.5 million in 2003.

In 2003, a significant milestone was recorded in the strategic management with the introduction and implementation of the Balance Scorecard. It was introduced as a management tool to measure performance of the company from 2004 onwards.

The pilot implementation of Business Advisory Services Entity (BASE) had assisted SMEs towards securing loans and credit facilities via assisted preparation of business proposals. The year also saw BASE having a strong rapport with CGC branches, hence facilitating the loan application process.

In line with the Corporationís effort to provide better quality services to the SMEs, the BCB Fast Track was launched sometime in October 2003. It was a joint effort between the Corporation and the Bumiputra – Commerce Bank Berhad (BCBB) to avail credit facilities faster. Under this arrangement, applications for credit guarantee under SEGS, availing loans not exceeding RM50,000 were processed within 3 working days while those under NPGS with loan amount above RM50,000 took no longer than 7 working days. As at December 2003, the Corporation had cumulatively approved 369 loans amounting to RM20.7 million under the scheme.
Todayís occasion is very significant as CGC introduces its newly enhanced iGuarantee website. Leveraging on Information Technology, iGuarantee, is an innovative channel which acts as a virtual market place for online business loans applications. The iGuarantee has been improved with features that are more informative, interactive and user-friendly. It has also been given a new look and feel to accommodate comprehensive information on CGCís schemes, business-related articles as well as promoting a community-type environment for SMEs to interact.

The essence iGuarantee enhancement incorporates the ë3Csí, namely Content, Commerce and Community.

The new features of the enhanced iGuarantee are :

i) Content

ÿ iGuarantee Ideas ñ articles closely related to SMIs which are produced by professional independent copywriters. The section is divided into 2, namely for those who are new in business and existing entrepreneurs.

ÿ The Right Scheme For You ñ it is a Scheme Wizard designed to assist SMIs to select the most suitable guarantee scheme based on 3 simple questions.

ÿ Identifying the Right Scheme ñ provides a quick summary and comparison of the various schemes offered by CGC.

ÿ Newsfeed ñ Latest business news provided by Bernama

ii) Commerce

ÿ Business Opportunity ñ entrepreneurs are able to share their business proposition, seek new business partners, provide special promotions, etc. under this column.

iii) Community

ÿ Share Your Ideas ñ a forum for visitors to exchange their views and ideas.

ÿ Newsletter ñ for registered members providing them with the latest updates on CGC and interesting, relevant articles.[CGC1]

The Corporationís Business Plan for Financial Year 2004 focused on evolving CGCís role from Credit Supplementation to that of a Credit Enhancer ñ in order to assist SMEs to become more bankable and thus able to sustain their business.

Several strategies have been designed to fulfil this new role. The Corporation is targeted to launch its Client Service Centre (CSC) before the third quarter of 2004. The objective of having the CSC is to improve its service level to the SMEs and FIs, ie. by having a more personalized and dedicated service and a 2-way communication channel for transparency.

In 2004, Business Advisory Services Entity (BASE) shall be expanded: to increase the number of panel consultants, integrate to the Client Service Centre for service-related matters and other follow-up / monitoring process for the SMEsí benefit.

With the recent opening of four branches in Batu Pahat and Kuala Lumpur in November 2003 and Sandakan and Miri early this year, the Corporation has a total of 16 branches operational nationwide. Generally, this is vital towards promoting the Direct Access Guarantee Scheme (DAGS).

As the premier guarantee provider and a key engine for SME growth, CGC is well poised to meet challenges which lies ahead and it shall pursue to develop its key resources and competencies, whilst keeping abreast with the technological advancement to promote efficiency.



APRIL 5, 2004.


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As mentioned in the FSMP, one of the primary objective of the FSMP is meeting the socioeconomic objectives of Malaysia, particularly with regards to access of funding by priority sectors in the economy such as the SMIs and Bumiputera entrepreneurs.

Priority sectors such as the SMIs are essential sub-sectors of the economy that require financing. SMIs contribute significantly to the economic growth of the country. Over time, SMIs will be increasingly more significant such that it will become a vital foundation of the economy. It is therefore important to ensure adequate financing to these sectors and such provision of financing should be continuous.

As outlined under the FSMP, the lending to SMIs will be facilitated through a more efficient and expanded credit guarantee system. The CGC will play a larger role in guaranteeing the priority sectors, especially the SMIs. Besides introducing more attractive financing schemes, CGC has taken a number of steps recently to improve its operations, including the scheduled opening of new branches all over the country as well as strengthening its funding structure. At present, CGC has four branches operating in Kedah, Perak, Selangor and Johor. CGC will ultimately be operating in all states by end of this year. This infrastructure will prepare CGC for the enhanced role in the expanded guarantee scheme.

In the new framework announced under the masterplan, CGC is expected to expedite application and the approval process by the setting up of a portal whereby SMIs can apply for loans with CGC guarantee directly. Under such arrangement, the CGC would then solicit from banking institutions their proposed lending rates and guarantee requirements for the loan. Among the prospective lenders, CGC would then select the best offer, which is the one with the lowest price as well as lowest guarantee requirement. This scheme, targeted to be fully operational by this year would require full participation from the banking institutions.

Under the FSMP, CGC is expected to play a larger role in guaranteeing the SMIs. Through the guarantee mechanism the banking institutions will develop the ability to support these priority sectors, which will then assure Bank Negara Malaysia that these sectors will continue to have access to financing.
20-Feb-2004 14:07:19 PM

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ON JUNE 2nd 2003

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) today officially announced the revision to its Islamic Banking Guarantee Scheme (IBGS). Datuk Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad, the Managing Director and Chief Executive of CGC says that the revision follows the enhancement to its New Principal Guarantee Scheme (NPGS) which caters for conventional business loans. It is hoped that with the revised IBGS, participating financial institutions will be further encouraged to provide the necessary Islamic Banking financing to Small and Medium scale Enterprises (SMEs) thereby further expanding the overall scope and portfolio of such facilities that are available in the country.

The IBGS, which was first introduced in 1997, is aimed at assisting SMEs that have viable projects but lack the collateral to obtain the required financing from participating financial institutions. The revised IBGS now enables viable businesses to obtain maximum financing of up to RM10 million at a reasonable profit rate imposed by the financier. Eligible businesses are those with an annual sales turnover not exceeding RM25 million or with not more than 150 full time workers.

The IBGS seeks to address the needs of both SMEs and financial institutions with the following features:

A maximum guarantee cover of up to RM2.5 million for the unsecured portion of the financing, applicable to ALL sectors (previously the maximum of RM2.5 million was applicable to the manufacturing sector only). There is no capping imposed on the secured portion.
The guarantee cover is now liberalized and ranges up to 80% for the unsecured portion and 90% for the secured portion and is now applicable to ALL sectors, compared to a fixed guarantee cover structure depending on the sector previously.
The guarantee fee chargeable is only 1.00% (secured portion) and 1.25% (unsecured portion), and is to be paid annually in advance.

The revised IBGS is designed to cater the current needs of SMEs. It is available at all commercial banks and finance companies that have Islamic Banking products. Since its implementation and up to May 24, 2003, the IBGS has benefited 247 borrowers involving loans valued at RM RM153.5 million.

The Corporation is also pleased to announce the achievements of the other guarantee schemes currently in implementation (Cumulative Approved Loans as at May 24, 2003) as follows: -.

(RM million)
New Principal Guarantee Scheme(NGPS) 54,394 16,354.7
Islamic Banking Guarantee Scheme(IBGS) 247 153.5
Direct Access Guarantee Scheme(DAGS) 2,021 844.4
Small Entrepreneur Guarantee Scheme(SEDS) 5,834 205.7
Franchise Financing Scheme(FFS) 102 26.2
Flexi Guarantee Scheme(FGS) 3,770 1,236.4
Other Schemes 271,046 5,079.4.7
TOTAL 337,414 23,900.1

The Corporation in its the role as a “Credit Enhancer” for SMEs is confident that with the revised IBGS, SMEs that prefer Islamic Banking will now be able avail themselves of the necessary financing even though they may have inadequate collateral or track record. CGC will continuously monitor and review its existing products to ensure that Malaysian SMEs continue to have access to the financial support required to further grow and develop their businesses and contribute towards the overall economy.

For any inquiries please contact the Public Relations and Special Programmes Department at 03-7806 2300 ext. 130 or 131.

10-Sep-2009 17:25:56 PM

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29th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2001 CREDIT GUARANTEE CORPORATION MALAYSIA BERHAD For Publication or Broadcast After 1600 hours June 06, 2002 PRESENTATION OF CGC TOP SUPPORTER AWARDS The 29th Annual General Meeting of Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) held at Bangunan CGC today, witnessed the presentation of CGC Top Supporters Awards for year 2001. Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz, the Corporation’s Chairman, presented the Award to four financial institutions; namely 3 commercial banks and 1 finance company. The CGC Top Supporter Awards, seventh in the series is traditionally presented to acknowledge the 4 most active financial institutions for their significant contribution towards the financing of SMEs and their overall participation in CGC’s guarantee schemes in 2001. These 3 commercial banks contributed 79.1% of a total 6,352 loans, valued at RM1,133.9 million while the finance company contributed 59.2% of a total 485 loans amounting RM27.4 million in the year 2001. The Corporation is pleased to announce that the recipients of the 2001 awards are: COMMERCIAL BANKS FINANCE COMPANY Malayan Banking Berhad Mayban Finance Berhad RHB Bank Berhad Bumiputra-Commerce Bank Berhad     PERFORMANCE IN 2001 The year under review saw the Corporation moving ahead with its expansion programme even in a period of global economic slowdown. The Corporation was able to continue implementing its programme towards realising its mission of becoming the One-Stop Financial Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the country. Six more branches were set up in Melaka, Kuantan, Kota Bharu, Prai, Seremban and Kuala Terengganu by end 2001. With additional two branches opened in Kota Kinabalu and Kuching in January 2002, the number of branches in operation now total 12 altogether. Consistent with the Corporation’s enhanced role, the CGC branches will be responsible to promote the Direct Access Guarantee Scheme (DAGS), as well as to maintain close working relationships with the local business community and financial institutions. During the year 2001, CGC through its branches approved a total of 436 loans valued at RM160.4 million. This is an encouraging development as DAGS, which was introduced in July 2000, managed to record only 22 loans valued at RM 8.6 million in the initial year. During the same period; the Corporation, with continuous support from all participating financial institutions, approved a total of 7,486 new loans valued at RM 1.9 billion. Of the total amount, 6,329 loans valued at RM 1,451.9 million were approved under the Main Schemes, which comprised the New Principal Guarantee Scheme (NPGS), Small Entrepreneur Guarantee Scheme (SEGS), Islamic Banking Guarantee Scheme (IBGS) and Direct Access Guarantee Scheme (DAGS). Apart from the Main Schemes, the Programmed Lending Schemes contributed a number of 508 loans worth RM 135.6 million. In addition, the Fund for Small and Medium Industries 2 (FSMI2) and the New Entrepreneur Fund 2 (NEF2), currently managed by the Corporation, recorded 369 loans valued at RM197.9 million and 280 loans worth RM154.5 million respectively. The decrease in terms of the number of loans guaranteed is mainly due to the termination of the micro credit scheme, the Tabung Usahawan Kecil (TUK). At the same time the global economic slowdown contributed the overall decline in loan approvals by the banking sector. In terms of the performance of guarantee schemes in year 2001, the NPGS continued to be the Corporation’s main contributor in terms of overall number and value of loans guaranteed with 51.7% and 74.0% respectively. CGC’s ongoing efforts to further integrate its services continued to leverage on the benefits offered by Information Technology (IT). On July 9, 2001, CGC launched iGuarantee, a web service portal that enables on-line loan applications via Internet at the SMEs’ convenience. The portal creates a conducive “market place” to bring together potential SMEs borrowers and financiers while allowing CGC to provide the much-needed guarantee at the same time. To date, CGC has received a total of 406 applications via iGuarantee since its introduction. Realising that one of the primary objective of the Financial Sector Master Plan (FSMP) is to develop Bumiputera entrepreneurs in Malaysia, CGC has also been channeling the NEF 2 through several versions of DAGS-NEF 2, DAGS-Franchise-NEF 2 and DAGS-PROSPER-NEF 2, both under conventional and Islamic banking facilities. The implementation of these new schemes is expected to benefit more Bumiputera SMEs and effectively contribute towards the economic growth of the country.   OUTLOOK In line with the 2002 National Budget strategy, CGC will ensure adequate financing to SMIs as it continues to play a larger role in guaranteeing loans granted to the sector. It is expected that in the year 2002, the global economic recovery will continue to strengthen and contribute to the growth and development of Malaysian SMEs. The Corporation will ensure that access to credit for SMIs would continue to be made available. The Corporation’s projection for loan growth remains positive with a target of RM2.0 billion loan guarantees for year 2002. “The Smart Partnership” concept together with the new set up Marketing and Business Development department in the Corporation is hoped to foster the Corporation’s image as well as to create a better rapport with financial institutions and other agencies. It is the Corporation’s objective to also create greater market awareness as well as to offer better service to SMEs’ financing needs. CGC will ensure that the capacity for loan guarantees for SMEs would continue to grow whilst continuously maintaining asset quality and ensuring that non-performing loans (NPLs) is maintained at prudent levels. Following the success of administering the Fund for Small and Medium Industries 2 (FSMI 2) and the New Entrepreneur Fund 2 (NEF 2) from Bank Negara Malaysia, CGC is also being considered by the Ministry of Finance to be appointed as the administrator of various other funds for SMIs. It is hoped that CGC will continue to play an effective and prominent role in assisting the development of SMIs, hence contributing positively towards the economic growth in the country. 20-Feb-2004 13:53:44 PM

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(16th July 2001)

1. We are pleased to announce that effective from July 16, 2001, Bank Negara Malaysia has appointed Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) as administrator of the New Entrepreneurs Fund (NEF 2) with an allocation of RM250 million.

2. The NEF 2 will be channeled to eligible Small and Medium Entreprises (SMEs) through the following participating financial institutions :-

a) All commercial banks

b) All finance companies

c) 3 development financial institutions;

Bank Industri & Teknologi Malaysia Berhad
Bank Pembangunan & Infrastruktur Malaysia Berhad
Malaysia Industrial Development Finance Berhad

Bumiputera entrepreneurs eligible for NEF 2 must have the following criteria: –

a) Companies with shareholders? fund of not exceeding RM10.0 million.
b) Must be wholly-owned Bumiputera enterprises/companies/ institutions registered under the Companies Act 1965, the Co-operative Societies Act 1996 or Bumiputera citizens residing in Malaysia and Bumiputera entrepreneurs registered under Registrar of Business or any other authoritive body;
Bumiputera SMEs under the vendor development programmes of the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development or Ministry of Finance with at least 70% Bumiputera equity and management control.
3. The maximum loan limit per borrower will be RM5 million and the purpose of the loan will be for expansion in productive capacity, working capital or both. The fund covers all types of credit facilities with maximum lending rate of 5.5% per annum, whilst the maximum loan tenure will be for 8 years.
4. The appointment of CGC as the administrator of NEF 2 is consistent with the objective of making CGC a ?one stop center? for SMI funds. At present, CGC is already managing the Fund For Small and Medium Industry 2 (FSMI 2) totaling RM200 million.
5. To date, CGC has guaranteed 760 loans valued at RM300 million under NEF and has availed to SMIs, 353 loans valued at RM177.1 million under FSMI 2.

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad
July 16, 2001
20-Feb-2004 14:02:59 PM