Green Technology Financing 信贷 (GTFS) & Green Technology Financing 信贷 Islamic (GTFS – i) 4.0Print | ObjectiveGreen Technology has been envisaged as one of the emerging drivers of economic growth for Malaysia. GTFS/GTFS-i 4.0 was established by the Government aimed to encourage local companies and entrepreneurs to be involved in green technology-based projects to support the national green technology agenda. Purpose of Financing
The Scheme is applicable for the financing of:
The following purposes are not eligible under the Scheme:
Eligibility Criteria
Maximum Loan/ Financing Limit
Maximum Loan/ Financing Tenure
Type of Loan/ Financing facilities
Guarantee CoverThe Government through CGC, will provide guarantee coverage for the approved loan/ financing facility under the Scheme which shall be confined only to the value stated in the Green Project Certificate issued by MGTC. The guarantee cover percentages, depending on the sectors, are as follows:
Participating Financial Institutions
Interest/ Profit Rate
Government Incentive
*Producer, User and ESCO: First seven (7) years Application Procedures
Application Period
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