Share Capital
Our source of funds is mainly procured from guarantee fees and other liability instruments, operations, and equity to run our business and finance our development and operating activities to expand MSME access to financing. The guarantee and financing base’s growth represents our expanded outreach activities to move our core business functions forward, enabling MSMEs to achieve business objectives.
HumanTotal Number of Employees
We take pride in their accomplishments by investing in our people’s growth and providing them with a conducive atmosphere to follow their career paths and cultivate personal goals. In executing CGC strategies and capitalising on opportunities to provide solutions to improve MSMEs’ viability, we inspire our people to achieve excellence in execution.
Social and Relationships
Through our relationships with our stakeholders, including the communities in which we work our social capital is continuously enhanced. We create an enabling atmosphere for all our stakeholders. We also incorporate their needs into our business processes, fulfilling our commitments while building long-term value and mutual progress in realising expectations.
IntellectualIntellectual capital is seen as one of the imperative intangibles that drive competitive advantage.
This includes intellectual property, such as patents, copyright, organisational structures and software, procedures and protocols. It also consists of the intangibles linked to the brand and credibility we have created. In faster approvals, digitisation has enhanced customer service, changed the way workers work and decreased repetitive manual procedures with robotic process automation. Cybersecurity risks and data protection issues are the same standard with existing FI requirements, and with digitalisation as the pathway forward.